~Chapter 13~

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Katsuki POV

When Izuku turned around me almost immediately greeted his mother. His greeting was way to formally for my liking. Like who say hello to there mother like that. Sure maybe I'm not the best example of this because I have little respect for old hag but still. Upon further inspection I see fear in his eye. The type that is like "I have better done this right or else" which made no sense because the high divinity was the nicest women I have every met. But it was there some what hidden but still there. As he stood up after bowing for the briefest of seconds I could see a look of discomfort on his face but, as quickly as it came it was gone.

I was confused. Why had he never told me? Was I really that meaningless?

"As ways the mortals need to sleep Tenya love please show them back to their room."
Inko said in a cheery voice.

We all follow Iida back to the room where we were staying.

"If you need anything ring the bell on the wall. Please refrain from ringing it for fun it would be very rude to the staff."

We all look at Kaminari and Sero.

Iida sighs and walks back to the door.

"Rest well from your travels."

He then leaves.
After the long day we had I was thankful I didn't have to sleep on the hard ground again.
Closing my eyes I feel asleep.

Flash back

"Hey Kacchan? If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go."
"Hmm. I would go to they supposed stairs that lead to the gods and I would bring you so I could send you to live with them because you are clearly better than any human I have seen."
"Hahaha. Funny joke Kacchan."

I woke with a start, turning my head to look out the large window aka hole in the wall that looks nice I could tell it was still night. I would never be able to go back to sleep so I walked out the door and into the hallway.

For the most part the hallway was dark. No torches or anything like that only the moon light shining through the windows. Looking around I saw no guards. Presumably it wasn't really needed because mortals didn't exactly come to the realm of highness. Slowly I stared to move along trying to find something of interest.

Izuku POV

It was around 1 in the morning although the castle was sleeping at this time I was sitting in one of the castle's many gardens. The moonlight was shining down at the perfect angle that it lit up the garden and put a spotlight in the centre where I was sitting.
In the distance I heard some footsteps which made no sense because there were never guards at night unless they were posted because of the mortals. Every time I think about them Kacchan comes into my mind. Part of me hates him after all he did tell me to leave because he hates me and the other haft hopes he doesn't hate me so I can run into his arms and get a big hug. A quite voice breaks me out of my thoughts.

"Izuku? Is that you."

I whip around and there he is standing at the entrance to the garden.

"Izuku I know that you probably hate me but please I just want to talk to you."

Slowly I nod signalling that he can go ahead and say what he needs to.

"I know what I said to you all those years ago wasn't right. You didn't deserve it. I am so sorry. All I ever wanted as a child was my mothers approval so I did thinks I didn't mean. You were on the receiving end of all the horrible things I have done. I know things can never go back to the way it was but I needed to get this off my chest."

I look up at him.

"I know how that feels. It's okay I could never hate your for what you said to me even if it was true."

I look at him and smile.

Katsuki POV

He smiled. A genuine smile. The type I have been waiting for looking to find in every face for years.

I cannot help my self I just run and hug him.

"Izuku, I missed you."
"I missed you too."


Once I finished that I realized how sappy that was but it's okay. After all sometimes I have no ideas other than the sappy ones.

I don't know how long it will take me to update this but I will try to get it done.

See you all next chapter

A/N signing off  😊

Word count 807

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