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     You let out a small hum of content, staring down at the few notebooks resting idly at your fingertips. Each notebook was placed with a sloppy taped title for each subject name. The notebook in front of you was black, with hazy specks of white, the large title 'MATH' taped on carelessly on the higher side of the cover.

     The walk to the dorm rooms began the second the loud chime of the bell sounded throughout the halls. Your teacher decided to allow her students to escape the tedious clutches of her classroom early, though she seemed to be in a rush, much more so than her complaining, pubescent students. Each classroom had burst open, along with the usual flow of students—each wanting to escape the school just as much as the other.

     You didn't wait for your friends to exit the classes, and you only gave them a small wave and smile before you had left the classroom. Shuichi had given you a small smile, shining just as bright as yours did, and copied your small wave. Miu had reacted slightly differently, with her giving a cocky grin and thumbs up. Along with it, she gave a small nod that was taken as a thank you for the notes you sloppily threw down on her desk.

     Instantly, you had sprinted over to the large, blue dormitory at the back of the school. It was just as comically large as the main building, which was definitely a sight to see. Since Hopes Peak was a private high school, it explained why the school had dorms.

     Quickly, you had arrived at the dorms and rushed over to your dorm room. Luckily for you, you found out the dorm room was only a staircase up from the first floor—placing you on the second floor. When you looked down the hall, you quickly noticed small 2D figures on each room plate, the two dorms next to yours showing was resembling a pixelated Kaito and Maki—lucky for them, right? It's surprising the school didn't separate the dorms by gender, but it must be lucky for Maki and Kaito, especially since there's only one person—you—standing between their dorms.

You quickly dropped your bag into the vacant room, the room being pretty bare without anything in it. It was a simple, spacious, and dark-themed room. The color pallet was black and red, a couple of small squares rested on the walls and a desk under it. The desk looked quite expensive, but quite lowly placed next to the chair.

     To the right of the desk lied a grand, queen-sized, red and black bed. The room didn't appeal to you very much at the time, and you had quickly thrown your bag lazily onto the sheets of the bed. You didn't pay much mind to the designs of the room, since you decided to get in a small nap after placing an alarm for tonight.

     Naturally, your eyes fluttered open after a short nap. Immediately you had sprung up out of bed, remembering how you are likely late for the awaited sleepover.

     You hastily sprinted down the stairs of the building to the first floor, which was where the sleepover was being held—in the living room based for the girls. There was a living room close by to the room, where you noticed a group of boys—who you realized were all from your class—laughing and hanging out. It was safe to presume that they were having a sleepover as well, but you didn't put much thought into it since you had gone into the female's living room hastily.

     When you had gotten there, the girls were having a pillow fight—which you quickly joined in on. Tenko was protecting Himiko and Angie, aggressively threatening some people with a pillow and waving it around back and forth. In the back, you had noticed a yelling Miu hiding behind a small fort of pillows, and Kirumi to her side with visible confusion ridden on her face. Almost instinctively, you ran over to Miu and threw yourself over her fort of pillows as if hoping for a fence.

     You waved your arms around, claiming that you were, "on her side". In return, she passed you a small gun and claimed it was a "pillow gun" filled with "pillow bullets" and sent you a thumbs up. The both of you instantly began to shoot a few people—mainly aiming at Tsumugi since she was just plainly running around—and made a bunch of the girls fall to the floor with a thud. Each time it happened, you gave each other a high five while laughing.

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