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     Currently, you were sat next to the window seat, your elbow rested on the armrest on the car door and your head rested on your hand. Outside the window, smears of blue and green blurred past you in speeds, and if you were to guess, you would honestly say that Kaito was likely speeding. The cars of the others you were previously allowed to follow you guys were completely out of sight due to Kaito's reckless driving. Hell, did he even have a driver's license?

     "Do you think Kaito even has a driver's license?" you found yourself asking the boy next to you, your throat sending vibrations onto your wrist.

     In response, he leaned back in his seat and placed his arms behind his head in a cross while leaning his head onto them. "Hm?" he hummed with his eyes slowly turning toward you from how they were previously closed. "I dunno, probably not, though. Kaito is a complete idiot, y'know," he giggled a bit. "It wouldn't be a surprise if he weren't even able to turn up the volume of the radio without being confused." He giggled again, his eyes now tracing the boy in question.

     You  giggled a bit with him and brung a hand over your mouth to stifle them. "Pff, yeah. One time when I and Shuichi were with him he couldn't even tie his shoelaces. He had to make Shuichi do it for him in front of a group of middle schoolers. Needless to say, they were ruthless with insults," you giggled out with the images of the small trio of boy middle schoolers pointing and completely bullying Kaito flashing through your head.

     "Aww maaan, I wish I could've witnessed that," he groaned, still giggling—his laugh was a bit weird to your ears, though. It wasn't like your shitty laugh was any better, so you weren't exactly one to judge. "Nee-heehee, what a dumbass!"

"Hey! I'm tellin' you, I'm not a dumbass! Why does everyone keep calling me that!?"

"Yes you are, dumbass."

     The car drive ended up being a fun little hangout, everyone being able to truly feel like a group of worry-free teenagers. Nothing exchanged gave you any dread, the full drive making you forget about all of your worries. A distraction was all you've ever needed. Thank God for Kaede making everyone go to some random mall trip.

     After only a few extra minutes of driving, your group made it to the mall, and each of you stood in the middle of tons of chaos. Crowds upon crowds of people flooded the scene with the place unsurprisingly filled to the brim since the day was a Saturday, after all.

None of your other companions had arrived yet—or so, you assumed since you couldn't find anyone you knew—and it was likely due to Kaitos semi-illegal driving. So, each of you stood awkwardly huddled together a little too close in an attempt to not lose each other amongst the mall's terror of chaos.

Until you lost each other.

You awkwardly stood extremely close to the purple boy, your shoulders completely touching as you sat on some random bench in front of a Hot Topic. Not too long ago, you looked back to talk to the purple boy once, exchanged a joke or two, looked back, and everyone else was gone.

You lost everyone all because you decided to nudge the boy a bit with your elbow to point at an inflated dinosaur and make fun of it.


You let out a long, exchanged sigh, attempting to ignore your shoulders awkwardly touching while you sat annoyingly close to him on a bench, and next to you sat a man who looked to be in his forties, and to say the least, he smelled horrible. His stench probably was a mixture of workout sweat, oil, and... peppermint gum? How the hell did this man even manage to make peppermint gum smell bad? The fuck?

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