Chapter 2

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Y/N sat at Commander Erwin's right; across from them were the representatives of the royal government and members of political parties. The government sat on higher ground, looking down upon the three Survey Corps members. It was a blatant attempt at establishing the hierarchy, though, she really couldn't care less about what these self-serving pigs thought.

It was painful sitting there recounting the event in detail. The mangled bodies of her comrades and the Titans' wrath still haunted her. Y/N dug her nails deep into her palms to keep herself grounded to reality. She hated being here. She resented the men sitting in front of her.

The countless lives lost to the desolation of the Titans meant nothing to this run the Inner Walls. They didn't care about anything but how much money they had in their pockets.

"I ask you again, Ms Scheider, why did you not return with Darren Wagner? Why stay out there? To learn what?"

Frustrated, she slammed her hands down on the mahogany table. The loud boom echoing off the walls rendering the room silent. "What exactly do you want me to say? I stayed because those people had a fighting chance, and I learnt nothing except titans now overrun the territory beyond Wall Rose. Is that it? Was that what you wanted to hear that I learnt nothing useful to mankind?" She snapped unable contain her emotions anymore.

"Sit down!"

"No, fuck you," she spat and pointed at the others, "You shut up and listen." Overwhelmed with feelings of guilt and remorse, she channeled everything into rage.

"I don't give two jack's ass about how drastic your comfortable lives are going to change because of this downfall. Because it doesn't fucking matter. None of this does. People are dead, and none of you cabbage heads have bothered to acknowledge that in the past two hours. Or the countless hundreds who have put their lives on the line so you pigs can do nothing but sit in your comfortable homes, count money and pray to, of all things, the stupid fucking Walls.

Humanity has suffered a significant loss losing Wall Maria. So the only thing that matters to me is people out there fighting so that humanity has a chance of survival. None of you pompous fucks has seen a titan or spent a day outside Wall Sina, so you don't know what it's like. Don't fucking try to act like you shit heads know better."

"Scheider! Sit down! Do not make this about your personal feelings!"

"Oh, screw you," she scoffed throwing her hands in the air. "Just try spending an hour beyond Trost District. And then you tell me what's it's like. If you're not willing to do that, then spare me the fucking decency of not having to recall in detail how the titans obliterated half of my squad. They won. And they will continue to win if we continue to hide. Case closed. I'm done here," she stated, pushing the chair back, storming away.

"Are you so arrogant and sensitive that you are going to walk out of this room?" a hefty senator taunted. A handful of men snickered loudly, making it clear they saw her outburst as nothing more than a joke.

She turned back, her face emotionless, but her burned a sinister flame behind them. "If I killed every useless dickwad in this room and left only you alive, senator. Tell me will you be 'sensitive' when the Military Police question you over and over again about every single detail of these asshats died and how you are the only lucky cookie alive?"

He opened his mouth and shut it immediately, unable to fire back at her threat. "That's what I fucking thought. Little bitch," she mocked before turning on her heels and left. She didn't care if her reputation was tainted in front of her superiors. She had better things to do than waste time talking to blind politicians. It just seemed like a show put on by the government to let their people know that they were somehow actively involved in the Survey Corps business.

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