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Luo Ran didn't expect it.

He really didn't expect that Admiral of God of War, at the same time, is also a hard-working Lucas.

Will counter-detect him at this time.

Luo Ran was all stupid, watching Lucas get out of bed with a sneer, and strode towards him with an expression on his face as if he wanted to eat people.

It's going to be beaten.

Luo Ran thought.

Then Luo Ran turned around and ran away.

"You TM come back to me!"

Lucas didn't wear shoes, so he chased him out.

Brush and pull——

Luo Ran could feel a blast of wind coming from behind him, and then turned around subconsciously, raising his hand and side waist to fight back.

Luo Ran crossed his hands and stopped Lucas's horizontal split, and an elbow backhand forced him back.

Luo Ran knew that he could not beat Lucas and was not in love with him. He turned and left, but Lucas' fist rushed over again to stop him. Luo Ran was forced to reach out and intercept, but was grabbed by Lucas and turned directly behind him.

Lucas's strength is too great for ordinary people to resist. No matter how good the fight is, Lucas can directly hold people down with overwhelming strength.

At this moment, Luo Ran was grabbed by Lucas and pulled behind her, and she was half kneeling on the ground.

"Can you still fight!" Lucas said angrily: "MD bastard, you dare to run!"

"..." Luo Ran narrowed his mouth, and he never won.

Luo Ran was trying to take a bit of a soft drink, discussing and discussing, but only felt that he was hanging in the air and left the ground.

"Admiral...!" Luo Ran was carried directly by Lucas like a bag of rice. Lucas held Luo Ran's waist tightly like large iron tongs, and could hug him with one hand. One hand opened the door.

Luoran's stomach stuck on Lucas's shoulder, struggling to punch Lucas in the back.


Lucas slapped Luo Ran's ass.

"be honest!"


Luo Ran held a big red face and didn't dare to move.

Lucas strode into the office and threw Luo Ran on the bed, then crouched down and took the tie from the side, and tied Luo Ran's hands with the head of the bed.

"...!" Luo Ran's eyes widened, "Admiral!"

Luo Ran's face burned again, red to drip blood.

This, what is this...!

Lucas **** a knot and tied Luo Ran's wrist tightly to the head of the bed. He could only move slightly, but he really couldn't escape.

"Admiral, don't do this..." The smell of tobacco pressed up, Luo Ran was a little soft, buried his head in his arms and said: "No, don't tie it up, I can't escape anyway."

Lucas ignored Luo Ran and fell asleep next to him.

"Don't give me a plot." Lucas said: "Sleep well."


However, Luo Ran couldn't sleep at all.

With his hands tied in this way, although it would not be uncomfortable, he still felt nervous, let alone Lucas sleeping beside him.

[BL] O Pretends to be B for the Violent Admiral Where stories live. Discover now