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Volume 2

He is the person he trusts most, he exists like air in his life, he silently loves him, and a flower blooms in the despair of love...

Until a night of confusion, the love that was buried in the deepest despair was spread out under the sun...


The little fairy who seduce him last night dares to escape now?

"Within five minutes, I want all the information about that man last night!!!"

"I found it! It's the secretary next to you... Zimei Xueran."


Lucas: "..."



Luo Ran secretly saw this kind of thing?

Not only watching pornographic comics, but also watching this...strange thing?

And this group of people actually used the thing that night as a stalk, **** stuff!

Lucas grinned.

That night the crawler and Luo Ran can't be compared!

The first time he was an alpha, he originally belonged to Luo Ran, and now he has defrauded the ghost who did not know who it was!

It would be great if it was Luo Ran as the group said.




Lucas found that he had entered a blind zone. He had a natural trust in Luo Ran. Luo Ran said what he said. He never doubted.

Previously, he thought Luo Ran was a beta.

But Lauran is an omega.


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