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The h6 battleship that Luo Ran was on was hijacked.

Luo Ran held the podium with his hands and said nothing.

Only him in the command room, Rong An and Wang Ruicheng left.

It seems that someone used another command room, or set it up early. At this moment, the communication system between the warship and the outside world was completely cut off, and it went to the dock where the cargo was located uncontrollably.

The communication system was intercepted, which proved that the distress signal was not sent, and Wang Qiuyang and the others did not come.

Luo Ran tapped his finger on the podium lightly, and Wang Ruicheng entered within a moment.

——With weapons.

"Secretary Luo, please cooperate." Wang Ruicheng stood not far away with Mucang holding his gun, pointed at Luo Ran and said, "We don't want to hurt you either."

Everyone knows how good Luo Ran's skills are, so Wang Ruicheng dare not step forward at this moment, for fear that Luo Ran will counterattack.

"Wang Ruicheng, you gave your life to Xingkou, does your cousin know?" Luo Ran raised his eyebrows and said: "Adjutant Wang worked hard for the admiral and the empire, and the Wang family is also trusted by the admiral. You stabbed the empire in the back, and Xi Rui What’s the difference?"

Wang Ruicheng's complexion became stiff, and he sternly said: "Water flows to low places, people go to high places!"

Luo Ran shook his head and said, "As a soldier, it's really shameful."

Soldiers have taken an oath and have been trained. Wasn't the betrayal of the soldiers just for Lucas and for the Imperial Army?

"Secretary Luo, please rest assured...!" Wang Ruicheng waved his gun.

Luo Ran has always been gentle and kind, but he doesn't know why, he still has unobvious aura and inviolable majesty.

Maybe it was because I had stayed with Lucas for a long time, maybe because he had the pheromone of the best alpha Lucas in the empire, or maybe it was due to his own ability. Others knew that Luo Ran was kind, but they didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of him.

At this moment, Wang Ruicheng, as an alpha, was also suppressed by Luo Ran's momentum and aura was a little unstable.


The door was pushed open, and Rong An came in, stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

"Adjutant Rong." Luo Ran said: "Please inform Adjutant Wang to send reinforcements quickly, don't worry about me, he dare not kill me."

Rong An stood still.

"Hahahaha..." Wang Ruicheng smiled and said, "Secretary Luo! Rong An is my upline!"

——Rong An and Wang Ruicheng are the minions of the star bandits.

Luo Ran said nothing.

Rong An didn't speak either, he was Luo Xingyuan's adjutant, and he naturally had feelings for Luo Xingyuan and Luo Ran.

Luo Ran sat down and said, "Who are you taking me to see?"

The purpose of this hijacking is already very clear-to take him away.

"I'll know when I go."


The battleship landed in less than ten minutes and established contact with another battleship that had been prepared here.

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