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At the moment the fire struck, Luo Ran could feel Rong An rushing over to block him, and then subconsciously expanded his mental power.

A few high-level ao can turn huge mental power into substance at certain moments, such as Lucas's attacking blade before.

A transparent layer of light emerged beside Luo Ran. All this happened too suddenly. It was the first time that Luo Ran knew that he could do it too. In this critical situation, he forced out his potential.

It turns out that it's not just Lucas, he can do it too.


Luo Ran could feel the fire breaking through his barrier, causing his spiritual realm to be severely hit, and finally fainted.



The last wave of artillery fired from the kaleidoscope array, ending the assault that lasted for a long time.

The Empire ushered in its first victory in this battle.

Although the fox hunt escaped, it severely damaged the vitality of the star bandits, and they were caught off guard. In the next battle, the star bandits suffered greatly, and most of them could only rely on the meteor shower.

Lucas didn't know if there were any meteor showers, but even if there were, there could only be one shot left. After all, creating a meteor shower would cost a lot of money and materials.

now. Freeman was cleaning the battlefield, and Lucas stood on the deck looking at reports from reinforcements.

Luo Ran and the others have already set out to meet themselves.

The undercover Wang Ruicheng has been successfully induced and died of the explosion. The eldest prince has also been caught and arrested.

Lucas looked at the report, squeezing the terminal tightly.

He didn't expect that the prince would be so...extreme.

He knew that the eldest prince liked Luo Ran, but he didn't expect him to be so...After all, everyone thought that the eldest prince liked Luo Ran for the most part.

But the first time the eldest prince showed a flaw, it was because of Luo Ran.

The official downfall was also because of Luo Ran.

In the end, he lost his life because he wanted to drag Luo Ran to death. He could have had another fight.

Lucas took a deep breath and waited for the second report, his eyes clinging to the report, "An explosion occurred, Command Luo and Adjutant Rong are undecided."

What Freeman saw when he arrived was Lucas's very bad face and trembling fingers.


"It's okay." Lucas said coldly: "Say."

"We found a giant insect's energy launch nearby! Do you want to track it?"

"Chasing." Lucas said: "Let the team chase."



After waking up again, Luo Ran found himself lying on the battleship's medical bed.

My whole body hurts when I move, and I hurt up and down. The most serious is my back. The wounds entangled in bandages are still hot.

Luo Ran lowered his head and could see that his limbs had bandages.

"Command Luo woke up...!"

"Secretary Luo, don't worry, you don't have any serious injuries."

Luo Ran was more serious with a mental wound, but only Xia Zhi knew about this, and Luo Ran had been injected with medicine, and the rest could only be healed slowly by Lucas or himself.

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