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The meeting did not last long. After all, although the species of giant worms have been determined now, no one has actually come into contact with them.

And Lorraine also hoped that Lucas would not hurt it for the time being, so the military has nothing to do.

The giant worm is ex1, from an unknown underground. The red lines on its back and the surface of the unk are the magma energy in the underground.

Now it has been determined that the worm came from the bottom of the eastern part of Luobing. The excavation works in the eastern part of Luobing were too frequent and too deep, and even changed the geology and attracted the worm.

ex1 is originally small, but it absorbs energy from the movement of the earth and the earth's crust to create a hard shell on its own, protecting itself from foreign enemies and magma. During the manufacturing process, it releases radiation energy, just like humans breathe oxygen and release carbon dioxide.

It is this kind of energy that changed the characteristics of the stone and turned it into an unk.

Luo Ran also absorbed the radiation of the insects to evolve into 3s or more, and the hair gene changed to silver.

Now that the eldest prince has fallen, no one wants to entangle the bug so that it can produce unk, and the second prince also gives the decision to Lucas, so Lucas has the final say.

In the end Lucas decided to take a look in person, Luo Ran insisted to follow.

The two got on the battleship and headed to the cave where ex1 currently resides.

Now they are on the border of Falling Ice, the place where they meet with the empire, not far from the city of Chonghua.

Relying on the outskirts of the city, relying on the snowy mountain where Luoran and Kliman discovered Siryl's walkie-talkie before, it is also the current stronghold of the stars, a new falling ice mine that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The first time I found the giant worm was in the snow mountain, it seems that it has not gone far now, it is still nearby.

It is also possible that the star bandits are still mining a large number of unk non-stop nearby, so the energy fluctuates too much and disturbs the bug.

Luo Ran and Lucas were in the aircraft, and Luo Ran sighed: "ex1, maybe it is our greedy materialized image. If it weren't for our excessive exploitation of resources, it would not come up, causing so much trouble."

"Yeah." Lucas said: "You will follow me closely later, you know?"

"I know." Luo Ran smiled: "Admiral, I have said many times. I can still work and act when I am pregnant. Don't take me away because of this."

"I want to take care of you." Lucas glared: "You are indeed vulnerable now!"

"Oh, here it is." Luo Ran turned off the subject and pointed to the window.

The outside gradually darkened, and they were slowly entering the cave.

Behind him was a large army, geological team and researchers.

The closer you get to the depths of the cave, the louder the sound of the sounder and the warning.

Lucas and Luo Ran boarded the light small aircraft and left the battleship.

Passing through a small passage, I saw a huge giant clinging to the rock wall of the cave, almost occupying the entire rock wall.

The giant insect has a square head, only one foot is as big as Lucas's small flying machine. On the back of the giant insect is a piece of hard armor with crimson glowing patterns on the hard armor.

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