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After Luo Ran woke up, he performed rehabilitation with Lucas, and finally ate a bowl of hot porridge, which was extremely satisfying. After all, after he woke up before, Shen Xiluo was worried that his body could not accept it, so he added All are nutrient solution.

The two sat at the dinner table face to face. Lucas was eating white rice and Luo Ran was drinking white rice porridge. At first glance, it was quite bleak. People who didn't know thought that the life of the empire admiral was very difficult.


When the two of them had eaten halfway, they saw Wang Qiuyang and a few adjutants barge in.

Lu Wang Qiuyang was still taken aback when he saw Luo Ran.

Lucas said: "Knock on the door before coming in next time."

"Ah, yes..." Wang Qiuyang smiled and touched his chin. Fortunately, he didn't bump into any cigarette scenes, otherwise he might be killed.

Because of the habit formed in the previous campaign, Lucas and the adjutants didn't actually need to knock on the door to enter.

But now the Admiral has Secretary Luo by his side... hehe.

"what happened?"

Lucas frowned and asked, "Hurry up, why is it going to give birth?"

Wang Qiuyang stepped forward and said: "Admiral, the situation is not good, Star Bandit has gone to the Eastern District of Luobing."

"Eastern District?" Luo Ran frowned, "UNK Ice Mine?"

"Yes!" Freeman said: "According to the route provided by the scouts, their target should be UNK's ice mine."

Two mines with UNK have been unearthed at present-one has been destroyed in M4, the other is in the border of falling ice, close to the dock, so if the star bandits want to plunder, there is no chance of winning.

"They are really crazy." Lucas sneered: "Are you trying to make a big push?"

"Admiral, the ice mines of Luobing cannot be taken advantage of by the stars." Luo Ran said: "Is there any countermeasures on the side of Luobing?"

Freeman said: "They have asked the empire for help, but His Royal Highness said that it is for Major General Moka to go on the expedition. Let us return to the capital to rest first."

"Resting?" Lucas laughed angrily.

"Bah!" Wang Qiuyang snorted coldly: "The big prince is a rotten maggot who has been stunned by profit! For his own personal gain, can even the ice mine hand over!"

Freeman corrected: "It's not a little selfish interest, it's a lot."

If UNK really continues to study, then the prince will naturally make a lot of money as a leader. If he succeeds in the future, his contribution to economic stimulation and technology will be a big plus.

"Okay! Don't talk about the royal family." Lucas waved his hand and said: "Go and prepare, let's take care of their orders! Let Major General Moka not bother, let's go straight!"


After Wang Qiuyang left, Lucas finished the rest of the meal and glanced at Luo Ran, who had finished eating, and said, "While there is still some time, I will take you outside."

"Okay...?" Luo Ran asked: "Do you want to investigate and patrol the barracks?"

"Just leave."

"...Just walk?" Luo Ran frowned slightly. He didn't understand why Lucas wanted to do such a meaningless and purposeful thing with him. If he had gone to the amusement park to relax before on vacation, it would make sense. but now……?

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