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Luo Ran stared at his flat stomach in a daze.

No way……

Only twice, only once forgot to take medicine. After all, Lucas went on the expedition the next day, so he was really busy.

Not so accurate...

Luo Ran was a little nervous.

Regardless of the current situation of the battle, omega is very dependent on alpha pheromone when pregnant, and becomes very clingy. Luo Ran is afraid that he will cause trouble to Lucas.

And maybe it was a psychological effect, Luo Ran felt that he missed Lucas more.

Lucas used to travel often in the past so many years, not in the capital, but Luo Ran did not feel that way.

Luo Ran was a little upset.

He was negligent.

He should take medicine.

Luo Ran immediately applied for a call to Lucas again.

Lucas hasn't slept yet, or has fallen asleep again.

"what happened?"

Luo Ran paused and said, "Admiral, that... I want to discuss with you about something."


Luo Ran took a deep breath and asked, "What if I have a baby?"


There was a long silence on the other side.

Just when Luo Ran was so nervous that his head hurts, he heard a sonorous "grass" coming from the opposite end.

"Female horse...!" Lucas's tone began to tense, "Why so suddenly! Your battleship set off? How long will it be? I said now!? Is there any discomfort, will it hurt, will it? Very tired, the female horse, I will tell Lao Wang to tell him not to let you move..."

Lucas started to output frantically, and Luo Ran was confused.

Lucas seemed to care more about Luo Ran's physical condition, and didn't think about the child for a while.

"Not without……"

"Luo Ran, stay in the room tomorrow and don't walk around! There is a lot of radiation in the battleship, especially near the mecha! You walk carefully!"

"...Admiral!" Luo Ran laughed and cried, "I have no children."

In other words, it has not been checked.


"You didn't say it earlier!"

Luo Ran scratched her cheek, wondering why she felt so happy.

"I just... just ask what if I have..."

"?" Lucas was a little puzzled, "just give birth?"

"Yeah." Luo Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

In their concept, there is no idea of ​​destroying the child.

After all, it is not necessary.

They are all in good health, and they are also people who want to spend the rest of their lives together.

After hanging up, Luo Ran thought, think about it after going to check tomorrow.

And Lucas almost couldn't sleep.

When Luo Ran first said it, his mind was stunned, and he didn't start to react until now.


[BL] O Pretends to be B for the Violent Admiral Where stories live. Discover now