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"Admiral...?" Luo Ran was a little surprised. Lucas arrived at M4 three hours after talking with him, and it was only a day and a half, why...?

Shen Xiluo and Lu Cheng helped Luo Ran to bed. Luo Ran took out the painkiller from his pocket and swallowed it, waiting for the pain in his brain to ease.

This is different from a normal headache. This is a dull pain from the depths of the brain that deprives Luo Ran of the ability to think. I didn't feel much about lying down before, but because I had to negotiate with the prince, I couldn't bear it after a long time of concentration.

"Yes!" Lu Cheng said: "The admiral is really back! He is still in the B4 barren star, but he is already in the empire category! The empire knows it!"

Luo Ran pressed his temples and leaned against the bedside and said: "Is he alone?"

"Bring a small team."

"Marine! Marine!" Lu Cheng's walkie-talkie heard the voice of the captain of the lower guard again.

"His Royal Highness is ready to rush!"

Lu Cheng's eyes widened.

MD! This is too shameless!

"The Marines! Major General Chen, Major General Moka, and Lieutenant General Luo brought people to stop!"

Lucas is the leader of the warlord, Luo Ran is his secretary, and the default admiral for him.

At this moment, the royal family is robbing people, and the several high-ranking officials on the military side will naturally not sit back and watch. One of them is more temperamental than the other, and then they brought their own private soldiers to help.

"Adjutant Lu." Luo Ran gripped the bed sheet tightly, resisted the discomfort and kept rational: "You don't want to do anything!"

"Huh...?" Lu Cheng paused.

"Don't let the guards take action, and don't let people from the military intervene!" Luo Ran sternly said: "Adjutant Lu, you immediately go down and stop Lieutenant General Luo and them! Don't hurt the royal family. !"

The military department was originally sensitive, especially Lucas also had control of most of the empire's army. It would not be good if he "ran wild" in the capital and used weapons.

"Yes!" Luo Ran looked serious, and Lu Cheng also got serious, gritted his teeth and said: "But, but, if we don't take the big prince, we will come!"

"No, they can't take me away." Luo Ran smiled and said, "Isn't there the second prince here? He won't let me be taken away and let the military and the prince make an alliance."

Lu Cheng was taken aback.

He didn't understand, but since Luo Ran said so, then he did it!

Lu Cheng was about to leave in a big stride, Luo Ran pulled him and finally reminded: "Let the second prince take the initiative to help. You can't speak or suggest to him, let alone ask for help, do you understand?"


After Lu Cheng left, Luo Ran breathed a little shortly, opened the pill box and bit another.

"Secretary Luo's injury is still hot. This is normal now." Shen Xiluo stood aside and said, "It won't happen after a period of recuperation."

"Yeah." Luo Ran nodded.

"I suggest here that although painkillers are effective, they should not be taken too much, otherwise the body will produce antibodies, and more medicine will hurt the body."

[BL] O Pretends to be B for the Violent Admiral Where stories live. Discover now