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In the next few days on the way to Luobing, Lucas was teaching Luoran how to operate the lion.

Luo Ran's learning ability is fast, and the two men's spirits and pheromone have a high degree of compatibility. It is not difficult to operate. Luo Ran can now also make the lion walk and fly in the practice room together with Lucas.

The purpose of the two-person mecha is not fun, but it can really make the mecha more sensitive and flexible. After all, the mental power of the two-person is more abundant, just like the more oil the mecha can burn, the better.

Not only good for mechas, but good for Lucas.

The mental energy consumed to make the lion move is not something ordinary people can do. It can be imagined how big it is. Therefore, if Luo Ran can come to help Lucas share the consumption, it will naturally be better.

After all, both of them are mentally impaired and can take care of each other.

This made Luo Ran realize one thing afterwards.

——Lucas is willing to fight side by side with him on the battlefield.

Perhaps because of the decision to be together, Lucas has a different attitude from his previous attempts to protect Luo Ran from entering the battlefield. He is willing to let Luo Ran share his victory and life-saving mecha with him on the battlefield. Face the outcome and discuss strategies together.

This makes Luo Ran feel that he and Lucas are equal, and the identity of omega will allow Lucas to protect and cherish him, but will not deny his ability.

And just as the battleship was about to land, a shocking news came from the capital.

——The king died of illness.

The king has faded out of politics for several years because of a terminal illness, but since last year he was unable to hold up directly in bed, and now he has finally passed away.

Government affairs have always been shared between the eldest prince and the second prince, so there is no problem, but it also means that the election is coming.

The eldest prince and the second prince, including their supporters, began intensive propaganda and speeches, wishing to sing praises for every good thing they had done in their lives.

However, in the previous meteor shower disaster in te city, the second prince personally went to the front line was also dug out. This left a good impression on the people, and the balance slightly tilted toward the second prince.

After all, although the eldest prince pushed the embezzlement of public funds to Siryl, the case of Yuan Han has not been closed yet, and he is covered in fishy. Therefore, after years of management, the victory that originally belonged to him has become precarious and the number of votes is even greater. Reduced a lot.

Today the capital can be said to be very lively.

"Are you sure?"

The tall and thin man frowned: "Your Highness, do you really want to end the cooperative relationship with Fox Hunting?"

"Yes." The prince Zhou Mingyu nodded.

The tall and thin man in front of him is Zhou Mingyu's new secretary—smart, current affairs and obedient.


"No but." Zhou Mingyu sat at the desk, gently turning the pen in his hand and said: "Now is a critical moment. As long as I take office, I can't do anything I want to do by then. I can't do it now."

The government agencies and Lucas are still closely investigating him, and Yuan Han's case is not over yet, it is too dangerous.

He can no longer get involved with the star bandits.

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