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Hundreds of years ago, Aldor and the Gran family followed the Zhou family on the battlefield, establishing an empire and opening a new era.

It’s just that the Gran’s Patriarch is cruel and greedy by nature, and always takes extreme measures against prisoners and strategies in war. After the establishment of the empire, he completely took a detour and even wanted to swallow the other two dominances and repeatedly plundered him. Expelled.

After being expelled from the country, the Gran family recruited soldiers and warships by themselves, and became a bully in the interstellar space, and they always wanted to use their soldiers and horses to retake the empire.

This is the origin of Xingkou.

Because of this, the star bandits always believe that the capital has robbed them of the power they should have, and they have been plundering and killing the empire for generations. The goal has not changed from start to finish-to retake the empire.

And Aldor has been a barrier to the empire for generations.

Every Patriarch of Aldor has been on the battlefield and defended the empire. The family has either been in the army or in business.

Even if it’s doing business, Aldo’s family does not actually make any big profits. Most of the income is used to subsidize their own army, weapons manufacturing, army operation, which does not require money, or save it. Even if something happens to the empire, the military will never fall, and it will always be able to maintain a strong operation.

Lucas' father, the Marshal, had also been on the battlefield, and fell sick and a strange and indifferent temper after coming down.

He is not a good father, but he used to be a good soldier.

Because of this, Luo Ran was confused after hearing the record on the walkie-talkie.

The Snow Mountain was originally cold, and Luo Ran was so cold that he couldn't move his fingers.


No matter how bad, no matter how jealous and unwilling, it is impossible...

This is Aldor's eldest son.

Kliman also looked at Luo Ran carefully, "What, how?"

"I'm sorry." Luo Ran took a deep breath and said, "Can I leave first? I need to... be alone, calm down and think."

"Okay, okay!" Creman got up and said, "Secretary Luo don't have to worry about me!"

The aircraft was beside the tent, Luo Ran strode in, and then sat down as if he was relieved.

In a moment, Luo Ran contacted the captain of the investigation team.

"Secretary Luo?"

Luo Ran took a deep breath, calmed his brain quickly, and said, "Captain, who would you listen to if I and the general said?"


Luo Ran was taken aback, but was a little surprised. The lines he originally lobbied were already prepared.

The captain added: "I sound like the admiral, but the admiral will let us all listen to you before he goes out."

Luo Ran was a little surprised at first, and then smiled: "Okay, then I want you to help me investigate the battle in which Admiral Alton was killed. I need you to keep it secret for the time being, and I can't let the admiral know."

Luo Ran said: "Of course it wasn't keeping the secret, but the general is still on the battlefield now. Don't let him be affected. You will tell him the results of the investigation when he comes back."

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