❦ Thirty Seven

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Recap: In the last chapter, memories of your talk with the officials regarding the Pokemon, their want to take them for an uncertain amount of time due to their fear of bad outlook amongst the public, and Aizawa's opportunity to change that during the Sports Festival, there's a lot in stake for you! Joining you in the newly created supplementary round, Sero, Momo, and Uraraka- You were pitted against Sero, who you were able to win against with your Pokemon, Mamoswine. However, Momo did not fare well in her battle with Uraraka, and you ended up comforting her...guiltily. With that, Uraraka and you are making your way to the 2nd round with the rest, as you learn your upcoming battle will be against Ibara, the vine girl from class B, while Uraraka will be versus against Iida. Upon learning that Midoriya's and Todoroki's battle is coming up very soon, you decided to join his walk down the stadium, where you were met with...Emboar.


"ENDEAVOR?!" Midoriya screeched so loud you'd think he saw a ghost.

Midoriya was shocked, shook might be more accurate, that frankly, he did not hear your earlier statement, not that you wanted him to but he completely overshadowed whatever you just uttered. He blankly looked at the pro-hero in bafflement, incredibly stumped by this weird sudden interaction. It's like bumping into an overpowered character far too early in a video game, completely unexpected and frightening.

Amid the frantic screaming from Midoriya, you just simply tilted your head, narrowing your eyes all while you were in your own little world. You stated your statement already, but you felt like you needed to re-check. You looked at the man with an even more contemplated look.

...Yes. You tilted your head a bit in contemplation, nodding your head as seriously as possible. This man...truly looks like Emboar.

Pikachu snorted, covering his mouth while he leaned over your neck to snicker quietly. After everything that happened, you just had to mutter that, looking at the gigantic pro-hero blankly, almost contemplatively. Sometimes, Pikachu can't help but remember why he loves you so much...and he's pretty sure this is one of the reasons.

"Oh, there you are." The man hearing the screech in question, glanced at the two children before him, taking first notice of the person that's been withholding the Pokemon that stunned the stadium into amazement in scrutiny. His turquoise eyes flashed in recognition as they lingered on you, perhaps wondering what you just said with so much confidence before they briefly glance at the yellow mouse. There was a hint of something in his eyes as he looks at Pikachu, something that you noticed a bit before his eyes peered over at Midoriya's flabbergasted look.

Midoriya was panicking now that he had captured the Number 2 Hero in all of Japan's attention. Additionally, his classmate's father, Endeavor.

Seeing the Number 2 hero is much more different than seeing him on television- the aura around him was truly no joke. You remember seeing him briefly one time when the Pokemon were leisurely watching TV, the news channel broadcasting the flaming hero then. From watching him, you can tell how nonsensical of a man Endeavor was as he pummeled the villains that dared go against him. He was truly a fearful man, and it became much more apparent as the large man towered over both you and him.

The fiery man stopped before you both, eyes lingering on both the students before him under his scrutinizing glare. His eyes went to land on to you, you raising a brow in return. Just when he was about to open his mouth, Midoriya was quick to divert attention back to him.

"Endeavor...why are you here...?" Midoriya nervously croaked, gulping as he kept an outstretched hand in front of you subtly, pushing you backward with him. Of course, the hero noticed, but he didn't comment.

Midoriya swallowed, nervousness wallowing him until he heard your words through your light mumbling.

"...Wait, maybe Incineroar is more fitting." You eyed the hulking man, narrowing your eyes peculiarly. Midoriya sent you a worried stare, as you suddenly shook your head. "But Emboar is a good match too..."

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