❦ Twelve

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You tracked your way into the woods. The dark was overwhelming to an extent, but you had too come here, because the boss had barricaded you with texts this early 4 in the morning.

You yawned, scratching your eyes slowly as you trudge up the small hill. Dressed in some jogging pants, you decided you could use an early jog. If you were forced to wake up, might as well do some activities you would rather avoid usually.

But that was honorably a terrible decision, for now your barely used sport shoes were turning to a muddy brown.

But otherwise, it wasn't a complete bad thing to be up so early. It was a calming day, and there wasn't a noise to be heard it all. A very peaceful time, for you to just unwind and relax.

But still, you would really like to head back to bed as soon as possible.

Your eye-bags were resembling too much like Shinso's at the moment.


You peeked towards the Pokemon you brought with you today. Charmander was a pretty new edition to your huge collection of pokemons, as you found the Pokemon about 2 months ago, seemingly lost. The little bugger was quite the excitable creature, seeing as he was peering around the woods interestedly.

Charmander: The Lizard Pokemon
A Fire Type
The flame on it's tail shows the strength of its life force. If it's weak, the flame also burns weakly.

This would be his first battle with you, but you felt like he won't have too much a problem dealing with it.

Scratching the creature by its chin, the Pokemon gleefully taking the affection, you yawned once more, chatting to your companion. "It's a bit cold isn't it?"

The Pokemon gave a feeble nod, though he didn't completely feel the same cool you did, you knew how much it loved playing out in the sun. You chuckled, before bringing your jacket closer to yourself when a breeze brush you two. The Pokemon let out a small cry, as it nuzzled its head to your hair.

"Are you ready for your first battle?" You asked, the Pokemon still nuzzling for warmth.

You earned a small cry, his noticeably brightly lit tail swinging behind you. You grinned proudly, giving it another pat. You both were entering deeper into the woods now, barely anything around you other than the high healthy trees.

Though you did bypass the fence that literally told you, 'you shall not pass', you did so anyway, knowing your boss would cover for you if anyone would complain. This was your job afterall.

And to be fair, you had a feeling the only reason the woods was fenced up was because..


You halted your step, both your Pokemon and you gazed over at the Pokemon looking at you owlishly. It hooted again, standing on one foot, with its head tilting to the rhythm of the ticking clock.

HootHoot: The owl Pokemon
A Normal and Flying type
It has a perfect sense of time. Whatever happens, it keeps rhythm by precisely tilting it's head in time.

You grinned at it, before you heard the low growl your charmander was making. You tapped it's nose, making it scrunched up in confusion, sneezing lightly.

"That's not the one Charmander.." You told it lightly, as you continued tracking your way deeper into the woods.

It was not exactly surprising, but more Pokemon were beginning to show up. It was bound to happen since you were basically a walking lure. It's way too difficult to subdue your quirk in an area Pokemon inhabit in. Your eyes gazed at the woods, as you saw a caterpie, making it's way up a tree bark. You could see three Weedle eating leaves far off, as a small pack of oddish passed by your legs, probably moonbathing at the moment.

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