❦ Eighteen

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You watched, eyes grazing the injured creature like a hawk. You held your other hand shakily, staring at the aghast wound, as your heart thudded weakly at the sight before you.

He's alive.

The sense of relief washing over you, yet your heart still aches for the pup, who was laid down, resting. Absol had held on as long as he could, losing blood constantly before he was moved towards the Nurse's office. You wondered how he could've gotten such a wound, but you didn't dare ask any of your peers as you rushed towards the ambulance holding the familiar creature.

Now the furred creature was knocked out, breathing out tiredly, as he was laid onto the bed provided.

You were in a small infirmary, a tiny room filled with shelves lined with medicine bottles, a room away from the original infirmary. The smaller room was provided for ones with harsher injuries. The few necessary medical equipments lined up by the white untainted walls, and the window had been draped by the curtains, blocking any form of sunlight.

You were alone with the Pokémon, except for the other creatures who were standing on the bed, looking sadly at the battered pup.

You sighed, raising an arm to pet the Pokémon's head, who seemed to relax slightly at your touch, his clenched eyes switching to slackened calm ones. You gazed at his soft pristine fur splashing with dried red from his battle, the dirty wrap wrapping around his abdomen securely.

When you arrive towards the infirmary, you felt your heart thud weakly at the sight, before Recovery girl quickly pulled you away from your worried thoughts. She asked for some assistance, which you provided as quickly as you could. It took a while, but eventually, the school's nurse was able to fix Absol up.

He was so close to d-no; you can't even say it. Nothing but fear and relief could describe your feelings at the moment, as you stayed close by the creature's bedside.

Emolga was standing on two little feet, eyes down casted, with Joltik on his head, appearing quiet yet with small tears pouring from the corner of its eyes. Sylveon, who had stuck like glue to your leg, had kept her pure sapphire eyes peered up at the injured pup, her ribbons lacing with your fingers in hopes to comfort you and herself.

You released another sigh, reaching out to stroke the fur down, keeping a gentle pace.

"He's gonna be alright, dear." A voice croaked, a soft gentle hum coming from the open door.

You flinched at the sudden voice, glancing back to the elder nurse, who still gave you a grandmother-like smile, which you returned back softly. Her short stature had padded into the room, her needle-like cane acting like a support. She stood right next to you, continuing. "He's a tough one, so he'll wake up in no time. For now, he needs all the rest he can get."

You nodded after a while, the tension in your shoulders relaxing, "Right, thank you so much Recovery girl." You thanked the elderly, as she smiled towards you. Your limited knowledge of medicine had come in handy, as you were able to assist Recovery girl with the injury. You'll be sure to come by and bring some herbs and berries for the pup.

Witnessing Recovery girl giving a chaste kiss on the creature earlier, her lips stretching to meet the unconscious animal. You couldn't help but be amazed altogether at the quick recovery Absol had, as Recovery girl's quirk is truly incredible and fairly rare. It was no wonder why U.A had no trouble with the students constantly injuring themselves.

However, during the process, your mind had unconsciously wandered. You remembered how you were so sure you wanted to become a vet, the sight of recovery girl's action reminding you of your past decision. What changed?

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