❦ One

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6 months before U.A Entrance Exam

Stepping out of the train, you dragged yourself towards the platform. The station bustling with people, different shapes and sizes, filing into trains that were about to take off, hustling out the station quickly as they could to their appointment, and some loitering about, choosing to enjoy the variants of shops the station was offering.

Tugging your heavy backpack with you, you quickly fished out a small device. A device your mother had helped out with a long time ago, upon hearing one of your requests. You typed out a destination, the place your mother had told you to go to meet her kind colleagues, who were nice enough to help out with your move. Guess your mother wasn't lying when she said she'll take care of it all. The pokedex let out a ding, as you rechecked the destination.

U.A high school

You walked out of the station, following diligently as instructed. Trying not to bump into the large crowds of people.

Musutafu was much more rowdy than you thought, with its skyscrapers scattered around the seemingly sweet people loitering around. Overall a city that's well loved and taken care.

"There's a hero there! Let's check it out!"

A few people chattered, rushing over to a specific area away from where you were walking. You only need to peer back slightly to see a robbery taking place over the many people. Apparently a hero was currently busy trying to capture the rampaging criminal. a wood based hero, with his screaming fangirls encouraging him from their spots.

You looked away without much thought, sticking to the map, as you walked towards U.A. Avoiding the rush of people passing her to see the heroic action. Feeling a light breeze, you brought your jacket closer to you. You sighed, pulling on the straps lightly to lose the load weighing on your shoulders.

If only you had put the two b-

Distracted, you were pushed down, winding up on your bottom, the handheld device held tightly between your two hands. Your silliness ending you up on the floor, and a boy your age who was in a similar predicament as you were.

His black rugged hair covered his crimson eyes, as he rubbed the back of his head. In fact, he was laying down on his back, his uniform ruffled from the fall. His bag basically flew, landing next to you. Noticing his somewhat injury, you scampered closer to the boy, panicking.

"Oh gosh, are you okay? Does it hurt? Should I call the hospital?" Concerned, you were close in taking out the device you were holding, ready to call an ambulance in case of emergency. You grabbed his head gently, turning it side to side, worriedly mumbling every now and then.

The boy flushed slightly, surprise at the sudden close approximation. He rubbed the back of his head watching as you continued to fuss over his 'injury' on his head, which happened to be a small bump when he fell to the floor.

"Y-yeah! I'm fine!" He exclaimed with an easy grin, his sharp teeth shining. You stared questioningly, almost unbelieving, still moving his head around for conformation.

"Are you sure you don't feel a bit dizzy?" You pressed, lightly pressing on the small bump, causing him to wince.

"N-no, fit as a fiddle!" He made joke, actually feeling a bit dizzy, yet it wasn't caused by the fall. Although it was 'obvious' he wasn't completely okay, you let the boy go before you smiled shyly. Giving him a hand, which he gratefully took, you pulled him up easily.

"Thank goodness you're alright. Your head doesn't hurt to much right?" You asked bashfully, looking anywhere else than the uniformed boy. You didn't noticed you were too close!

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