❦ Nineteen

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The Federation of Experiments: Monsters


The Meeting Room

The meeting room was in shambles. With the loud protests of the members of the meeting, the discussion was growing wilder by the minute. Jeers were thrown, and disapproval loudly proclaimed by each side of the table.

"Director, this is an outrage!" A man had called out, eyes narrowed towards the Director who sat at the end of the long table, simply gazing at the stacks of paper in a bored stance. "To make a decision this quickly! This would change everything that we have built up!"

The Director was a man in his late thirties, his aging face was beginning to wrinkle, and the frown present on his feature dragged his face down. The lines between his brows were furrowed heavily, as he sat back against the chair with a sigh. He eyed the man with a look of disdain that made the man flinched, but it hardly made the room any less noisy.

Director of the Federation of Experiment, classification of Monsters.

The man who agendas the whereabouts of FE-Monsters, or Pokémon, as he keeps tabs of the rehabilitate creatures. The person who finds the monsters, and keep them hidden from the public eye. Aka, your boss.

"Director, why had the higher-ups made this decision?" A woman asked with eyes panicking, seemingly having trouble breathing, as the Director moved his attention towards her.

"This would change everything, it's too soon!" another added, criticizing the decision.

"Surely the decision could be reviewed? Has it been announced to neighboring countries as well?!"

"The FE-Monsters wouldn't be ready either!"

The Director let out a long drawled out sigh once more, moving his gaze away as he listened to the wild complaints of his workers. He rests his head against his arm on the arm-rest, massaging his temple at the growing ache in the back of his head. It's a wonder if the group would ever quiet down at this point.

Suddenly he stood up, the chair behind him toppling to its back, as the director quickly garnered the attention of the protesting individuals causing dull silence filling the room. His glare pierced the group, as everyone who was standing up in protest had sat back down quietly without a word. The nervousness etched onto each individual's faces was obvious, as everyone kept their gaze away from their angered boss.

"...10 minutes into the meeting and it had already become a barn. Have you all have no shame?" The man questioned after a short pause, causing the crew to tense, the stern gaze of the director freezing them completely still.

A brave soul suddenly spoke barely above a whisper, "...8 minutes actually, sir..."

The Director's glare was now appointed to the impetuous rabbit-faced man who made the comment, as the rabbit-man cowered into his seat, practically melting.

The Director paused for a second, daring someone to correct him again, as he eyed each individual carefully. When he was sure everyone was done complaining, he picked one of the papers neatly stacked, reading them carefully.

He cleared his throat, appointing his gaze to one of the workers in charge of the screen, who nodded hastily as the projection lit up.

"Three weeks ago, In Sapporo, a huge dragonfly appeared in front of citizens during a picnic," He left no time to dally, skimming the lines of words as he spoke, the screen showcasing the creature that the few citizens were able to capture on their phones. It was frankly a lot larger than an actual dragonfly, appearing like a giant alien. "They complain of headaches after the encounter."

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