❦ Thirty Nine

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Recap: In the last chapter, you with the rest of the top 5 of the Sports Festival began their drawing to find out their next pairing. In the end, you were paired against Tokoyami, while Bakugo would be fighting against Iida. Todoroki, the only one without a pairing, went and moved to the semi-finals without a fight. After your fight, you won a close game against Tokoyami, the game ending off in a sour note causing you to feel guiltier than you hoped, while Bakugo easily outmatched his match against Iida. With racing thoughts of uncertainties, you were finally pulled to the edge of that insecurity once you had a terrible conversation with Endeavor, a man who seems a little too interested in the Pokemon, before you, swirled by self-deprecation, came to decision that you'll lose the next battle to ends it all, hoping that you'd let Bakugo and Todoroki into the finale for the final match. Who knew, that Bakugo had other ideas, and now, you're fighting those 2 together in the finale?


You found yourself walking off with no direction in mind.

Your feet dragged you along the way on a dead-tired adventure, your eyes seemingly finding comfort in eyeing the ground while your fingers tugged on the loose fabric within your gym pants mindlessly.

As the blaring noise of the cheers of the spectators numbed down, the moment you felt the cool wall on your back, it felt like everything was finally hitting you as you slid to a crouched slump.

With the battles now coming into preparation for the 3-on-battle, there was a long needed period of time for things to be set up in preparation. From what your told, the stage was currently being altered, Cementoss working hard on creating a stage up to par for such battles, while Meowth and Present Mic were entertaining the crowd with jokes, and sometimes more info about the Pokemon Meowth has yet to talk about.

For most, you find yourself slumped by a stadium wall, eyes locked on to the grassy plains adjacent from where you sat. It was embarrassing, slightly concerning to be in this slightly dimmed down area outside of the stadium all alone, trying to stop the heaviness in your heart from bringing you any lower.


Why...do you feel this way?

Why are you acting this way?

You frowned, focusing on ground, counting each rock that just happens to catch your vision for some odd way to gain calamity. You narrowed your eyes, taking a deep inhale in.

You made it this far, yet it wasn't something you planned at all to happen in these following events. You wanted to finish this last battle with a loss. But in the end, you're in the finale, battling the two top students of your class, Bakugo and Todoroki.

But it's all fine, you huffed another low sigh.

You'll just leave with a bang, and lose in the finale.

As you numbly listened to strange quietness around you, and the subtle echoes of Present Mic and Meowth's commentary and the crowds excited cheers, you were surprised by the sudden loud croaked entering your ear. The sound familiar yet, completely out of nowhere. You furrowed your brows in confusion.

"...(Name)-chan, what are you doing here, kero?"

You raised your heavy head, your eyes sliding to a large entry hallway, where Tsuyu peeked over. The only part visible was her eyes and the top of her head, as she looked at you with her signature bland look. Her wide eyes blinked at you, taking in your slouch form. She let out another soft croak. You took that moment to process it all.

Your eyes widened slowly, as you jolted up in realization. "A-Ah, Tsuyu-chan...!"

You fumbled out of you slumped form quickly, perhaps a little too hastily for you slammed the back of your head to the wall, the pounding ache causing you to groan as you clutched it. It stung, and you swear you feel the blood rushing your head. You let out a longer groan.

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