❦ Twenty

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Warning: Slight Manga spoilers is added in this chapter.


Breaking news: A break-out of abominable creatures has risen!

A series of unidentified species of creature had been confirmed to be arising from the unknown. Our intel tells us that these monstrous beings has been attacking citizens across Japan.

Government unit, section Monsters, had confirmed these creatures as 'Pokémon'. Monstrous beings containing power similar to quirks. They appear in many different forms, appearing as animals, or inanimate objects. The Director of section Monsters has confirmed to be holding a press conference this evening.

For the time being, please approach with caution, and contact the number below once you make contact with anything out of the ordinary.

We repeat, approach with caution.

The news presenter on the large advertising screen monotonously warned, her words reaching towards the many people loitering on the streets, as murmurs filled the air. Many had stopped to watch as various of pictures shown as examples were showcased.

You walked briskly past the sea of still people, eyes downcast, not daring to so much as glance to the direction of the screen. You clutched your carrier bag tightly, unable to hide your nerves as you continued forward.

Your eyes would unconsciously move towards your bag, just waiting for Pikachu to try to unzip the bag to get a peep of the outside world. But you wouldn't have it. Not now. In fact, probably not ever at this point.

You had always been conscious of wandering eyes. Afraid they'll see past your bags, finding the Pokémon as if they all had x-ray vision. But now, you were even more conscious, borderline paranoid at this point. You weren't sure if you were imagining it, but you felt eyes seemingly to be particularly on you.

As you were able to keep your eyes on bay, your ears had strayed. They listened to the words of the presenter, who was frankly bringing news as if the plague had once again arrived. The news sounded so dreaded, that you yourself were feeling the alarm running through your veins. You couldn't imagine how it could've meant to anyone else.

"Creatures with quirks...oh dear."

"They attacked people, shouldn't something be done before it gets out of hand."

"Heroes will take care of it, there's no need to worry!"

"Hey, I think I actually came across one before. And no joke, they literally look like the strangest things alive! in fact the one I saw blew up an electricity pole!"

"Really!? If they were that powerful, I don't think a could be able to walk around safely anymore!"

"My quirk wouldn't be able to fight back anything severe..."

"They should be taken care properly! If this doesn't end well, then there's no choice but for them to be contained."

You shivered. There wasn't anything positive circulating the city.

You knew this was a terrible idea, the idea to simply slap news into the citizen's faces wasn't the must idealist tactics. Yet somehow your boss still decided to do this. You had tried to reason with the man, even attempted to call him, much to your displeasure, but he didn't respond. In fact, you even tried to persuade him to meet up before making a decision, even convince him you could contribute at the press conference, but he told you it wasn't needed.

The decision was already finalized.

There was a reason this wish of yours is simply a pipe dream. An almost unattainable wish for its heavily amount of drawbacks. The negativity around the square was proof enough already, and you just can't wrap around your mind why.

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