❦ Twenty Eight

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Step One in catching a crowd's interest:

Make a statement

When the announcement regarding the 'arrival' of the Pokémon first came out, the media went into a frenzy to find out about these 'iffy creatures', hoping to discover just about any information they could get their hands on. Not one news channel has stopped talking about the Pokémon, to the point they begun making segments about them. But before anything too sensitive could be spread, the information and footage were kept under wrapped by the government, leaving nothing on the table for the media to broadcast. Clearly, the public hadn't been happy with this, noting from their grumbling and angered speculations online right after, releasing complaints after complaints.

But once you had heard that everything was kept hidden for the time being, you were rather relieved.

With all the public's negative views running around, the wild Pokémon could easily be a thorn to show with their unpredicted actions and natures. There was also the fact that the wild Pokémon themselves weren't all too adamant with humans yet either, and would most likely be aggressive to any threat sent their way.

Therefore, you knew if anything negative about the creatures were served to the platter, it would most likely mean serving the Pokémon to their 'end'.

This was your chance to strike first.

To show what you know, that these 'iffy creatures' were more extraordinary than they could ever imagine, all while giving them an impression of a lifetime.

After all, a good first impression always leaves a better impression to the eyes of doubters.

For the Pokémon's very first appearance on live television, you wanted to take things a bit slower, less colorful in some words. You had never been one to be the showy types, so you decided you wanted to show the Pokémon with more extra care. And loads of caution.

But as you racked your brain, thinking day and night for the best entrance you could display without any ideas coming up, you decided to look through things in a different approach, thinking of the things you actually wanted to come out of this festival.

Like how you want to leave the crowd awed and baffled.

How you want everyone watching to have their eyes glued on to the Pokémon, unable to pull their eyes away any longer than a second.

Or how you want them to finally be resolved with acceptance after the festival, looking at the Pokémon in a new light.

Questioning, not out of fear, but instead with a want to know more.

So in conclusion, you figured that the best way to leave an impression on those brimming with uncertainty and short-sightedness...




Was to throw it right at their faces from the start.

"Keep it up Arcanine!" You patted the oversized dog, watching as he barked back passionately, increasing in speed. You tighten your hold onto Arcanine's mane, squinting your eyes at the sudden rush of air crashing into you, as you chuckled.

If you had to describe what it was like riding a 1.9-meter fire canine, you'd simply say, without a doubt, that it was like being the wind itself. All while feeling like being wrapped in the warmest heating pack.

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