❦ Seventeen

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"This guy doesn't know how to hold back..."

All Might cough out blood, holding his arms up from the initial attack. He was glad he could've taken the hit quick enough, or Bakugo would have seriously gotten injured. But now that he realized his injuries, it was plain to see that he needed to act quick.

All Might was running out of time.

He can't maintain his form any longer, yet he's gotta finish this fight until back-up appears.

He peered slightly up, the dark vortex swirling incessantly was still there, seemingly unchanging, yet less threatening. Things were looking to be gloomier than he hoped, the size of it from below appeared to be intimidating enough, but it shouldn't be a threat at this moment. He focused back on to the villainous man, not a single remorse was evident in his features. The Nomu and the warp-gate had awaited behind to the mint-haired man, who heard All Might's inquiries.

"Anything to save a comrade, right. Just like earlier-when, the plain one came to me with everything he got. Violence in the name of others is admirable isn't it?" Shigaraki sneered, almost remarking in feint hurt. The man let out a pitiful spat, as he opened his arms out, complaining out loud. "Heroes and villains both thrive with violence, but we're still categorized, it pisses me off!"

All Might grin didn't waver, but it seemed like he was holding back a scoff himself. Shigaraki continued in mockery. "Symbol of peace? In the end, you're just a tool for violence, made to keep us down!"

Abruptly, the stilled Nomu, who had blankly watched the conversation with no emotion, had perked. Eyes suddenly focusing on All Might in a weird trance, strangely looking more jittery. Shigaraki continued to taunt with ease, focusing all of his attention on to the 'symbol of peace' himself.

"Violence only breeds more violence, y'know? I'll show the world that by killing you!" He threatened.

All Might replied to the villain speech, not deterred by the slightest. "What a load of hooey. Idealistic criminals have a different sort of fire in their eyes, but you're just enjoying yourself, you big liar." The hero pointed out obviously.

Nomu had begun to twitch emotionlessly, His huge bearing figure appearing to battle himself, Shigaraki, too occupied with what's in front of him, didn't notice, as Kurogiri's narrowed yellow eyes flickered to the creature in confusion.

Shigaraki had been caught red-handed, but he wasn't bothered, in fact, he was snickering. He sneered smugly, grinning behind his mask. "You got me, saw right through me..." His red eyes gleaming through the crevices of 'father's' fingers. The mockery in his voice had taken a turn of danger. Readying himself for a battle that will end in his favor.

Before Shigaraki could execute his next plan, the Nomu had rushed towards All Might without being ordered, moving wildly, as the symbol of peace was caught off guard. Nomu had rushed in a speed intangible, as the students witnessing the battle could barely aid the hero.

The quick-paced creature's movement causing his hair to sway, Shigaraki stayed rooted to the ground, eyes watching, leering at the abominable creature, as he narrowed his eyes distastefully. He huffed, moving an arm to hover against his neck as he watched the creature's attack towards the number one hero, who's about to meet his early demise.

Shit. All Might prepared to fight back, wiping up a spurt of blood dribbling down his chin, readying a punching himself. His eyes watched the Nomu appear right before him, he didn't even get the chance to see it come by, as he pulled a clenched fist back, gritting his teeth. The Nomu whipped its own arm out, an open hand outstretched to attack.

'An open slam?' All Might glance at the way it lashed, aimed towards his side as if not too knock the hero off, but to slap him away. The movement quick and steady, yet it was nowhere near an actual attack towards him.

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