❦ Fourteen

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Thirteen leading the few other students that were able to avoid the villain's warp stayed steadily and readily, waiting for the mist's attack. Iida shouted over towards Shoji, an underlying worry laced in his shout.

"Where is everyone?! Can we confirm their location?!"

Shoji's arm morphed into an eye, blinking at his surroundings, as another morphed into an ear. Surveying the area, the male was able to confirm where his other classmates were. "They've been scattered, but their all in the facility."

The mist villain continued eyeing everyone, similar like a predator to a prey. The black-purple mist he created was spread out, laid out and swirling. The yellowed-eye villain narrowed his eyes towards the only creature standing firmly in front of everyone, a fierce-eyed pup that was snarling upsettingly.

Iida gritted his teeth, thankful that everyone was still within reach. Yet he still felt frustrated, to a huge extent, by the fact; the villain before them with terrible intention, everyone scattered and probably in similar conditions all alone, and that animal, one standing firm in front of them.

"It's good we found out the others location, but-" he gazed at the growling Pokemon. "-we might have more to worry about." He narrowed his eyes, stern eyes unsure how to make out of the situation.

Uraraka made a long face, her chocolate eyes focused on the snow-coated creature. She bit her lip worriedly, tightening her fist in a worried battle stance.

"That animal. It belongs to (last)-chan." There wasn't a hint of uncertainty, rather she felt completely certain of her hypothesis. Ashido in her vibrant-colored suit, nervousness and slight fear etched on her face, nodded.

"It was following her before. It should be safe." The pink-skinned girl sounded more serious. Iida hesitated, eyes shifting uncertainty. The few others that avoided the warp didn't add anything, also unsure what to do.

Thirteen watched through their suit, trying to deceiver the best solution to bypass the villain awaiting their move. Thirteen didn't mind the additional party, though they were unsure how to keep it bay, for the creature looked alarmingly angered.

Sero, his helmet blocking his face, spoke with a smidge of nervousness, "Well whatever it is, we don't have time to think about it," turning his attention over at the yellow-eyed mist, he added, "we got other problems! Physical attacks are no good, he just warps away. This guy's quirk is too tough to handle!"

There was hesitations and fear. Who would honestly expect a sudden attack to the fame hero school in Japan, and of all things would consider attacking when students gotten involved. When was about to take a small step forward, the pokemon growled at her, making her stop nervously.

Absol turned back readily, prepared for any stunts the villain would do. Iida's brows furrowed at the sight, was it protecting them?

Thirteen, after silently thinking it over, turned to the appointed class president, gesturing at him, who stood in attention. "class president!"


"Your Job..." The teacher paused, before he told him seriously. "...is too run back to the school and report on what's happening."

Iida froze in astonishment, as Thirteen continued to explain. "The alarms haven't sounded, and the phones aren't working. The fact is hasn't activated even though Eraserhead is nullifying quirks means that whoever is interfering with the system has hidden themselves well." He ended with an appointed gaze.

"That being the case, you going back is our best option."

"The class president can't very well abandon his class...!" Iida intervened, disagreeing frustrated, before Satao shoved him forward.

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