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The leaf-fall leaves danced across the sky as a grey tom padded towards a pool of silver water that reflected the full moon. Some other cats near meowed a greeting as they passed, their starry-dusted tails waving friendlily. The tom didn't stop as he padded across and sat beside a tortoiseshell-white she-cat. 

"The clans are in grave danger from an unseen enemy." The tom meowed, his amber eyes flickering under the bright moon that was lighting up the night sky. A sea of dark grey moved across the horizon, covering the twinkling diamonds.

"Is there any way we can help, Graystripe?" the tortoiseshell she-cat questioned, her amber eyes brimming with worry for her dear clanmates in the forest. "There must be some way!" the she-cat lashed her tail as thunder rumbled overhead. "StarClan rarely thunderstorms," she glanced at the tom. "Is this an omen?"

"It can be, or it could be the sign of hope." The grey tom meowed. "We cannot interfere Sorreltail. There is only one cat that can stop this, and if she fails, this will be the end of the clans."

"It is up to the determination of the young cat." Graystripe rumbled, his starry pelt bristling with frustration. Suddenly the soft thuds of paw-steps echoed around the two troubled cats and behind a dark green bush stepped out a tabby tom.

"Bramblestar," Ferncloud dipped her head as the cat trotted towards her. "Is there any possible solution to this?"

Bramblestar thought for a moment, his mighty gaze brightened, but dimmed as fast as lightning. "No... The kit must find out herself. It is too dangerous for us to interfere."

"Interfere what?" a new meow came, this time belonging to a long-furred silver tabby she-cat. Her violet eyes shimmered curiously as she looked at her three ancestors with respect.

Bramblestar purred a greeting. "Violetwing."

Graystripe pulled closer and flicked his tail. "Hello, how is ThunderClan, I've seen from up here, but it's always best for you to tell us what's going on."

The silver tabby flicked her ear. "A few bellyaches, and a new litter of kits." she purred softly. "Skykit and Lilykit, daughters of Silverwing and Duskfur."

Sorreltail's ears pricked as she heard the name Lilykit, and so did the other two starry-pelted cats. "How lovely! Congratulations!" she purred.

Bramblestar's eyes darkened. "That's wonderful news! Skykit and Lilykit. Cat from ThunderClan will fight an imperceptible foe, a battle that holds the future of the clans. It's her, Lilykit."

Sorreltail, Graystripe, and the medicine cat all froze. Violetwing's purple eyes widen slowly with shock. "My sister's kit... The kit in the prophecy... Her whole life has been carved out for her that's-"

Sorreltail, Bramblestar, and Graystripe shared a look. "The kit's destiny is to become a medicine cat, no matter what," Graystripe murmured, flicking his tail. "Nothing can change her destiny."

Greetings to you all!
This is Mochii and thanks for reading my book, Lilyshine's Destiny! I have unpublished this story to add some major changes, so this is the edited version, starting here! I hope you enjoy this first 'chapter'. Please note that my stories will have irregular updates which can vary depending on the workload I get at school, my goal is to update around 1-2 times a week.
Anyway, sit back and please let me take you to the wonderful world of cats as well as the journey of me, a new writer.


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