Chapter 4

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Lilypaw waved her tail as a scent of a herb caught her sharp nose. "I think Violetwing would like to have these in her store." she crouched down and nosed a plant with yellow flowers that looked a bit like a dandelion.

Skypaw shook her head. "This is a border patrol. We mark the borders, not go looking for herbs, or hunting for a squirrel."

Flowernose cuffed her apprentice on the ear lightly. "Don't be so bossy Skypaw,' she turned to Lilypaw. "Though Skypaw is right, we must focus on the border and not get off-track."

Flamewhisker nodded. "Come on, we still need to mark the border."

Lilypaw sniffed the air as they got nearer to the ShadowClan border. The sun disappeared as if it didn't like this part of the forest beside the lake. Lilypaw padded closer to the patrol, ignoring the fact that her fur pricked up as if someone was spying on them.

Skypaw stiffened. "I smell ShadowClan."

Flowernose looked around. "We are near the ShadowClan border..."

"Oh greetings!" a voice called from behind the ThunderClan patrol, making the five cats jump.

They turned and stood face to face with the ShadowClan medicine cat, Frostflake. The white she-cat waved her tail.

Flyfur growled. "What are you doing on ThunderClan territory?" he lashed his white tail and dropped into an attack crouch. "Get off our land now!"

Frostflake backed away in defense. "Medicine cats go wherever they need to go. Besides, I am here to collect some yarrow. One of Shadefeather's kit swallowed something and the poor kit is very sick." she narrowed her green eyes. "Surely you won't let an innocent kit suffer?"

Lilypaw was shocked by Flyfur's tone. "Of course not"

Flamewhisker looked at his apprentice in surprise, then it was masked by embarrassment. "Lilypaw, you have no right to speak to a warrior like that." he meowed sternly. "Yes Frostflake, ThunderClan cats are not heartless. You may take some, but we will stay here until you leave."

Frostflake opened her jaw to argue but then thought better of it. She nosed on the ground until she found the small yellow flowers, yarrow. She pulled some out and dipped her head to the ThunderClan patrol. "Your apprentice has a kind heart, much more than you." she meowed, glaring at Flyfur, then she bounded off into the pine trees.

* * *

"Cloudstar, the border is well marked. We crossed paths with the ShadowClan medicine cat, Frostflake claimed that she was picking up herbs for a sick kit." Flowernose reported, with Flyfur and Flamewhisker.

"That medicine cat didn't ask for permission, and Lilypaw piped in." Flyfur hissed, his fur bristling.

Flamewhisker dipped his head in embarrassment. "Yes, she did. I am sorry, I never thought she would be that brave. But that was a warrior's decision, not an apprentice's."

Flyfur grunted. "Disrespectful you mean."

Cloudstar cleared his throat. "Thank you for the report, may I see Lilypaw?"

Flamewhisker nodded and padded towards Lilypaw who was sharing a mouse with Skypaw. "Come, Cloudstar wants to see you."

Lilypaw gulped nervously as she followed her mentor into the leader's den. The air was cool and the den was dim and shady, and on the pale green moss was Cloudstar, his blue eyes glowing dimly in the dark. Flamewhisker curled his orange tail neatly over his paws and stared intently at Lilypaw from a distance.

"Our newest apprentice dares to make a warrior's decision," Cloudstar commented.

Lilypaw crouched low. "I'm sorry- I didn't think." she paused. "But it's true though, ThunderClan cats are not a bunch of rogues. We would never let a kit die."

Cloudstar blinked in surprise at Lilypaw's harsh tone. "Big words." he let out a purr. "You must remember to let the warriors make decisions, you have to wait your turn. One day."

Flyfur who was sitting in the corner stalked towards Lilypaw. "I highly suggest you give this young cat tick duty."

Flowernose shook her head. "Surely that's too much." She saw Flyfur's annoyed expression and added. "You never liked tick duty Flyfur, no cat did."

Cloudstar held his gaze. "Can I trust you to make a better judgment in the future?"

Lilypaw opened her jaws. She knew she did the right thing, she followed her heart. "Yes, but either way I will follow my heart."

"Flamewhisker, you've got one wise apprentice!" Cloudstar mewed quietly as Lilypaw hopped off the tumbling rocks and settled beside her littermate.

* * *

That night, Lilypaw was dreaming she was in StarClan once again, where there were crystal clear streams and lush green plants with plump prey.

"Lilypaw, welcome." a voice greeted from behind the ginger and white apprentice. It was Bramblestar.

Lilypaw dipped her head respectfully. "Hello."

A fluffy white tom leaped over. "Don't be so light Bramblestar." the tom shook out his long white fur. "That apprentice was disrespectful."

Lilypaw took a deep breath to calm herself. She had enough of getting told off today. "Hey, stop it. I was not disrespectful. I followed my heart, and deep down I know it's right."

Bramblestar glared at the white warrior. "Remember Cloudtail, she has to. Or else..."

Lilypaw shifted her weight. "Or else what?"

"You will know soon enough," Cloudtail meowed, wrapping his fluffy tail over his paws. "But for now, I think someone would like to see you."

Lilypaw looked around. "Who?" As if on cue, the ThunderClan medicine cat stepped out of a patch of ferns. The apprentice was not surprised, she knew medicine cats visit StarClan.

"Lilypaw." Violetwing mewed, "I suppose you've been here before."

"Yes, when I was a kit."

"I'm here to talk to you about your path to becoming a ThunderClan medicine cat." Violetwing meowed.

"What?! No!" Lilypaw snarled as soon as the word medicine entered her ears. 

"What's so bad about becoming a healer?" Violetwing questioned as she bombarded the apprentice with many reasons why she should pick the path of a medicine cat. "You are that special cat in the prophecy! You have to or else it'd be too late!"

Bramblestar dipped his head. "That's enough Violetwing, we mustn't put too much on her shoulders."

Hello, warriors from all clans.  

I have finally returned from the 'Dark Forest' (exams and all the like devils) safe and sound. Pheww now that that's over :)

Thank you for reading this, and may StarClan light your path, always!

~ Mochii

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