Chapter 8

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"Lilypaw, are you sure!?" Skypaw exclaimed after hearing her sister's proposal to become a medicine cat's apprentice. "Do you even care about Flamewhisker's feelings?!" her eyes were filled with shock and disbelief.

Leafpaw weaved around me. "Just make sure to not feed me herbs when unnecessary." Stormpaw nodded in agreement.

Lilypaw dipped her head. She had a long think about confessing to her current mentor about switching to being a medicine cat apprentice. It was almost sun-high and Flamewhisker padded from the gorse tunnel to meet his apprentice.

Lilypaw was grateful for the rest her mentor allowed her, mainly because she needed time to think. As the orange tom trotted over, Lilypaw stood up. "Flamewhisker- I-"

Flamewhisker scanned Lilypaw's face worriedly. "Is something wrong? If you don't feel the best, we can start tomorrow-" his tailed dropped, making Lilypaw feel worse.

"No no, not that.." The ginger and white apprentice stammered. She took a breath. "I appreciate what you've taught me over these times...but I found my destiny- My path..." Lilypaw wanted the ground to swallow her up as she met Flamewhisker's crestfallen face. "I need to walk the path of a medicine cat, not a warrior. I'm so sorry.."

Flamewhisker looked down at his paws, suddenly looking like an apprentice being scolded. "I... I respect your decision. May StarClan light your path, wherever it takes you, always." his voice was steady, but his glistening eyes showed his painful emotions. The tom spun around and ducked into the warriors' den.

"He will get another apprentice soon," a sympathetic mew said behind Lilypaw. "You were his first apprentice, that's why he felt so hurt when you told him about your decision..." the grey and white she-cat tried to comfort Lilypaw but the young apprentice wasn't listening to Flowernose, guilt weighed her down like a ton of bricks as her eyes darkened in the horror of hurting her clanmate, her mentor's feelings.

* * *

"You are okay with becoming a medicine cat apprentice?" Silverwing pressed for the fourth time after her second apprentice ceremony. "If it is because of you not catching prey or slow at battle training, then don't! You will catch up."

Lilypaw let out a sigh as her clanmates weaved around her, congratulating the young she-cat. Others shot Lilypaw suspicious glances. Her gaze wandered around the clearing, hoping to spot her former mentor, but the ginger was nowhere to be seen. "I am certain. A warrior wouldn't suit me."

Violetwing trotted up to her sister. "Lilypaw is perfect for a medicine cat, she has marvellous memory and a great sense of smell. Today is half-moon the night where medicine cats all meet at the Moonpool, do you want to come with me, Lilypaw?"

* * *

"Remember, a medicine cat walks down a different path, different from the normal warriors." Violetwing padded just a few fox-tails away from the bubbling creek that marked the WindClan territory. "We will have different responsibilities-"

Lilypaw trotted ahead. "Can we just go faster? I want to see the Moonpool!" her tail was waving excitedly and Violetwing let out a sigh as she caught up with her energetic apprentice.

Lilypaw's ears pricked forward as they caught the sound of rushing water. The path she was walking on suddenly felt bumpy as if many cats trod along the same path for moons. Lilypaw felt pelts brush around her in a friendly way. She whipped around but saw nothing except for her mentor a few tail lengths ahead. The apprentice quickly headed towards Violetwing

"I felt pelts brushing past me-" Lilypaw confessed, her azure eyes glowing with nervousness.

Violetwing purred. "It is probably just the spirits greeting you, don't worry."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2022 ⏰

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