Chapter 5

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Lilypaw's blue eyes flashed open. She lifted her head drowsily, her dream in StarClan disagreed with her resting before her battle training with Flamewhisker and the other apprentices. She licked her shoulder, trying to get rid of her sleepiness.

Leafpaw who slept on the moss nest beside her stirred. "Is it morning already?" she heaved herself up to a sitting position and started to clean herself.

Stormpaw lifted his black head as well. "I almost forgot we will have battle training together for the first time." as soon as he said that his mentor Owlfur poked his head into the apprentice den.

"We will be leaving soon," he told the three awake apprentices.

* * *

"Why so early?" Skypaw complained about the third time, she woke up by Stormpaw and his sister Leafpaw's arguing about partnering up for training. "Can't it be in after sun-high?"

Flowernose turned to her apprentice. "If you don't keep your muzzle shut you will go back to camp and have tick duty until the gathering." the older she-cat threatened.

"Now, young cats. Battles are difficult and dangerous, but you will feel pride when ThunderClan wins." Leopardwing, Leafpaw's mentor began. "In battles, you must be alert the whole time and you need to learn defense and attack moves. Today we will learn an attack move."

Flamewhisker nodded towards Lilypaw and Skypaw. "This is your second battle training, Flowernose and I think it would be a good experience to train with your denmates. They know more, but take the advantage that you are still small and have a chance to beat Stormpaw and Leafpaw."

Skypaw lashed her tail, all her tiredness forgotten. "Get ready to turn and run back to the nursery!"

Leafpaw narrowed her eyes. "My brother and I will crush you."

Owlfur crouched down. "First let me teach you all a new move. Front paw blow."

Flamewhisker and Flowernose trotted towards the clearing. "Allow us to demonstrate." Flowernose nodded and without warning, she jumped up and swung her forepaw down on Flamewhisker's head claws sheathed.

Flamewhisker staggered as he blinked toward the four apprentices. "If I was a cat from another clan, she would've hit me way harder. Remember to strike hard on your opponent's head hard in battle, but of course, since it's training, remember to keep your claws sheathed."

"I still don't get it," Stormpaw grumbled.

Leafpaw nudged her brother. "We will once we try it. Come on!"

Owlfur sat down. "Pair up and start to practice, if you need another demonstration, ask us."

The four apprentices crouched opposite each other on their toes to dodge or strike any moment. Suddenly, Skypaw flew at Stormpaw with outstretched paws, banged onto Stormpaw's head, and bowled over him, pinning the black apprentice down.

As Lilypaw's sister battled with Stormpaw, her mind drifted back to the dream of becoming a medicine cat last night. Jayfeather's words echoed in her head.

"Go!" Skypaw yowled, bringing Lilypaw back into the present.

Lilypaw stumbled a bit as she lunged at Leafpaw. Dust rose as Leafpaw defended herself, before long Leafpaw pinned Lilypaw down.

Flowernose padded forwards. "Tie." she nodded approvingly to her apprentice Skypaw. "You did well to launch an attack so suddenly, meaning your opponent will be caught unaware."

Flamewhisker nosed Lilypaw up from the sandy ground. "Make sure you have enough strength to overpower and push Leafpaw over. Other than that you did pretty well for your first try." seeing Lilypaw's face, he tapped his tail tip on his apprentice's shoulder. "May I mind you that Leafpaw and Stormpaw are older than you, meaning more experienced. So don't mind that much."

Lilypaw nodded mutely. "Okay." she slumped down and looked at the ground, with her shoulders heavy with indecision. Suddenly, a growl came from behind. A tail length behind the ginger and white apprentice was what cats feared. The foul stench of the red animal swarmed the air as the white-tipped fox appeared.

"Run!"  Leopardwing screeched to the three apprentices behind her who were frozen in horror.

Without warning, the fox leaped onto Lilypaw. Flamewhisker let out a hiss of anger and panic as he jumped onto the fox, clawing at its fur with Flowernose behind him. There was a screech and the weight of the fox lifted from Lilypaw. But the apprentice's gaze was blurry and dizzy.

Lilypaw drifted into the darkness, hearing Flamewhisker's pleading and Skypaw's meowing.

Hello readers! Finally, I am done with chapter 7. I am also sorry if this chapter isn't entertaining, the next chapter will be better I promise!

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