Chapter 3

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Lilypaw woke up a quarter-moon later, but not in her usual comfy moss nest. She looked around in shock as cats slowly gathered around her. She dropped into a crouch, her ears flattened, and let out a warning hiss. One cat with grey fur stepped forward, his eyes shimmering with amusement. "Young cats these days..." he flicked his tail. "Welcome Lilypaw, to StarClan."

Lilypaw gasped. "No way-" These are all my ancestors?! she thought as she sniffed the air with uncertainty and slowly relaxed as the scent of summer wildflowers flowed into her nose, calming her down. Lilypaw turned around suddenly feeling nervous as her ancestors' eyes burned her pelt. "Hi..."

"I am Graystripe." the grey tom meowed. "This is Ferncloud and Bramblestar." he flicked his tail at the three cats behind him. A tortoiseshell she-cat, a light grey she-cat with darker flecks, and a dark tabby tom.

Lilypaw sat up. "I am honored to be here and to meet my ancestors," she mewed respectfully. "Bluetail and Volewhisker told me stories about you." she purred as she remembered all the nights she spent curled up beside the elders listening to their marvelous stories about cats like Firestar, the Great Battle, the Great Journey, and more.

Bramblestar twitched his whiskers. "It's good to know that ThunderClan still remembers me."

Ferncloud gave the dark tabby tom a look and turned to Lilypaw. "Have you ever wondered why you remember the names of herbs and what they look like even if Violetwing has never taught you about them?"

"I thought it was because I overhear cats talking about it," Lilypaw mewed, her blue eyes shining with awe as she admired the starry-pelted cats in front of her.

"Remember how I visited you in your dream back when you were just a kit?" Sorreltail pressed on. "You are special. You have a great destiny, and to get to that destiny, you must change your path."

"No! I don't want to be a medicine cat!"

Ferncloud weaved around the ginger and white apprentice, her leaf-green eyes glittering. "You have to, if you don't then-" a sharp meow cut her off. Ferncloud spun around and faced a pale tabby tom with jay blue eyes.

"Lilypaw, you must." the jay-eyed tom ignored Ferncloud and faced Lilypaw. "I had to."

Sorreltail shot the tabby a look. "You chose the path, Jayfeather."

Jayfeather hissed. "I wanted to become a warrior, Sorreltail. But instead of out hunting, I was stuck in a dusty den sorting herbs."

Bramblestar stepped towards Jayfeather. "Calm down. We are not here to discuss the past." His deep meow held a somewhat fatherly tone as the silver cat quietened, though the furious glare never left his eyes. Then something clicked into her mind. 

"You were the blind cat in the prophecy in the Great Battle!"

Jayfeather grunted. "Mouse dung, cats remember me as being the blind cat," he stalked up to Lilypaw and scanned her from head to tail. "Hmm...StarClan chose the right cat" he inspected Lilypaw's pink nose and small delicate paws.

Graystripe looked at Lilypaw. "We have waited too long, you have to become a medicine cat. Or will be the end of the clans. There is a prophecy, and you are in it." he sighed, sorrow lighting in his amber eyes. "Cat from ThunderClan will journey through the unknown to seek a cure. She has the power to either end or save the clans."

* * *

Lilypaw sat up, sweat flying off her fur as she banged her head against the apprentice den ceiling. That dream. That dream felt so real. The ginger and white apprentice scrambled up, still in shock, and bounded out of the apprentices' den to catch some fresh air.

"Why are you up so early?" Lilypaw's sister, Skypaw meowed sleepily. "You are not on dawn patrol with Flowernose, Flamewhisker, and Flyfur, I am."

Lilypaw licked her shoulder in an attempt to calm down. "I um, just had a bad dream."

"Oh, bad luck." Skypaw scrapped the dirt ground with her paw. "What did you dream about?"

"Oh umm, a fox chasing me." Lilypaw lied, thinking fast. There was no way anyone would believe that she met her ancestors. "Do you want me to take dawn patrol?" Lilypaw hated lying, but if her sister found out she was a cat from a prophecy-

Skypaw's gaze lit up like a star in the sky and trotted back into the apprentices' den, her tail flicking thankfully. "Rather you than me, have fun."

Lilypaw shivered at the cool, new-leaf morning air. "It's still a bit cold."

Flamewhisker padded out of the warriors' den. "Oh hey Lilypaw, why are you up so early?" he hurried over to his apprentice.

"I am filling in for Skypaw," Lilypaw replied. "She wanted to sleep more and I don't think I will be falling asleep anytime soon."

Flowernose trotted towards the two cats. "That is not an excuse," she poked her head into the apprentices' den and whispered. "Skypaw!"

Before long, Skypaw stubbled out and spent half the time complaining as Flamewhisker dragged sleepy Flyfur out and trotted out into the cold forest.

The early birds chirped in the tall trees as the sun slowly rose from the horizon. Green leaves on nearby bushes and shrubs rustled as the five cats padded along the border. Lilypaw loved the fresh morning air, as she trotted after her sleepy sister. Suddenly a rustle came from a stumpy tree and with a bolt, the ginger, and white-furred she-cat bounced after the fluffy dark orange tail of a squirrel, her dream soon forgotten.

Good day/night to you fellow readers!

Thank you for reading Chapter 3 of Lilyshine's Destiny!! How do you enjoy this story so far? I would love to read feedback so I can improve my writing skills/storyline. Once again thank you so much for continuing this book!

~ Mochii

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