Chapter 2

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"Lilypaw! Lilypaw! Lilypaw! Lilypaw!" Oh, how her new name rung nicely. 

An older cat named Leafpaw trotted over to the newly named apprentice. "Nice, you and your sister aren't in the nursery anymore! Congratulations!"

Lilypaw let out a loud purr. "Thank you!!" she looked over to where her littermate was standing, chatting with Leafpaw's brother, Stormpaw. "Now we are all together!"

"Lilypaw," a meow came from behind the ginger and white she-cat. An orange tabby tom overlooked his new apprentice with bright green eyes. "How is it now you earned your apprentice name?"

"I feel great!!! I am finally allowed outside th-" Lilypaw stopped, her blue eyes grew wider and wider with excitement. "I AM FINALLY ALLOWED OUTSIDE CAMP!"

Flamewhisker's whiskers twitched. "Yes indeed. In fact, we are going out to explore ThunderClan territory."

Lilypaw gasped. "The forest."

Flamewhisker flicked his tail. "Since we are going, Violetwing wanted us to help her gather some herbs. Watermint, yarrow, and some marigold. I won't be able to identify most of them, but she said you had a nack of remembering herbs."

Lilypaw looked down with embarrassment. "Not really... Anyway, can we have some battle training afterward? I heard Skypaw's mentor is going to be teaching her some battle moves. I don't want to get left behind."

Flamewhisker let out a chuckle as he stepped out of the throne tunnel which led to the forest. "Why not," 

The forest scent washed over Lilypaw as she bounced beside Flamewhisker. The new-leaf sky looked gloomy but that didn't lower Lilypaw's excitement, not one bit! She let out a yowl as her sharp ears caught a rustle beneath a tree root. Lilypaw dropped down and crept forward, remembering to not swing her tail, a valuable skill taught by Stormpaw a moon ago. She steadied her breath and pounced. Lilypaw definitely caught something, but that something wasn't prey, it was only a fallen leaf.

Flamewhisker purred as he watched his apprentice fail. "You will scare all the prey from here down to the lake!"

Lilypaw stared at the frosty forest floor as she clawed the dead leaf off her claw. "I thought I could feed the clan a leaf!" she lashed her tail in frustration.

Flamewhisker leaped over a log. "I will teach you how to hunt later, but for now let us focus on finding the herbs."

Lilypaw sat up. "Ummm, I don't know about yarrow, but I am pretty sure I know the scent of marigold and watermint." She licked her paw, now calm again. "Like over there!" she padded towards a golden-yellow field of flowers. "This is marigold." she brushed past a tangy-smelling bush and carefully bit the stems of the flower one by one, soon creating a small pile.

Flamewhisker soon appeared with purple watermint in his jaws and the scent clinging onto his orange pelt. He sniffed at the yellow flowers. "Ew- But I am sure Violetwing would love it," Flamewhisker wrinkled his nose. "Though, the other tangy scent on you is not that great, probably worse than the smell of these other herbs. You should probably clean it up." He eyed Lilypaws pelt which was littered with small white flowers.

Lilypaw fluffed out her ginger and white fur. "I'll clean it later, let's get these back to Violetwing first." She nipped at the marigold by her paw and padded after Flamewhisker to head back to camp.

* * *

Lilypaw followed her mentor into camp, embarrassment flooding over her as she saw Skypaw, her sister with a small sparrow in her jaws. She avoided Skypaw's proud gaze and quietly crept into the medicine cat's den. She sneezed as the scent of dusty herbs hit her.

"Violetwing?" Flamewhisker called through a mouthful of watermint. "We got your herbs." Though it sounded more like 'ee ot or erbs'.

It took a few seconds for Violetwing to wriggle through the gap in the wall. "Oh thank you." She quickly took the watermint and marigold.

Flamewhisker cleared his throat. "We didn't know what yarr-" a screech cut him midsentence. Violetwing's ear pricked as the screech echoed through the hollow. She rushed out and her eyes widened with worry as she saw Birdfeather wailing beside a heap of tabby fur, Lilypaw's fur rose as she recognised who the bundle of tabby fur was. Leafpaw. The medicine cat hurried towards the brown she-cat. "What happened?" she glanced at Leafpaw.

Birdfeather's green eyes glowed with fright. "Leafpaw was at the fresh-kill pile, and then she picked out a small squirrel." the she-cat sobbed. "She ate it so quickly whilst I was talking to her and then she suddenly collapsed! My poor kit."

Violetwing instantly crouched down beside the apprentice and nosed over her. She sat up, her eyes shining urgently. "I need yarrow. Lilypaw, did you get any?"

Yarrow. Lilypaw gulped. "I-"

Flamewhisker stepped in, defending his apprentice. "That was what I was about to tell you, we didn't know what yarrow looks like."

The ThunderClan medicine cat's eyes widened. "Are you sure? I scented yarrow on Lilypaw..." she sniffed at the ginger and white apprentice. "You have some yarrow stuck on your pelt!" The medicine cat licked the little flowers off and slowly fed them to Leafpaw. After a while, Leafpaw began to jerk and soon vomited out some sloshy squirrel flesh. Violetwing stroked the apprentice's back soothing her. "It is going to be okay, you just ate some nasty bugs. You will be better in no time."

Lilypaw stood beside her mentor, still half-shocked by what happened. "I was lucky I brushed against that little bush of herbs when I went collecting the marigold."

Flamewhisker purred. "Lucky you did, you saved a cat's life."

Hi fellow readers!
Did I build suspense? Haha, I hope I did in some way, shape, or form. 
Thank you for reading Chapter 2 of this book. I really appreciate it! Thank the gods- (wait wrong fanfiction-) 


Thank StarClan Lilypaw brushed against that yarrow bush! 

Writing this chapter made me learn a little more about herbs which I am quite content about. 

See you in the next chapter!


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