Chapter 1

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Lilykit wandered as she sniffed the air cautiously. The three-month-old kit had just closed her tired eyes when she entered this brand new world. Seconds ago she was in the comfort of her mother's warm fur, safe in the ThunderClan nursery. Now she was surrounded by skyscraping trees and lush green grass. Mist crowded around the roots of the tall plants as Lilykit looked around uncertainly, but curiosity won her over. With a leap, she bounced to a nearby berry bush and sniffed at some purple-blue berries. Juniper berries. Suddenly, a rustle came from behind her. Lilykit flattened her ears and spun around as she saw a tortoiseshell she-cat appear out of the mist. The newcomer dipped her head as she weaved around Lilykit.

"Don't be frightened, I am Sorreltail." The tortoiseshell cat purred. She trotted around another small bush with flowers like daisies.

Feverfew. The name snapped into Lilykit's head as if she spent half her life studying herbs. "How-"

Sorreltail licked the kit behind the ears. "You will know when you grow older." 

Lilykit gazed at the older cat curiously. "Are you a StarClan warrior? Why do you look like you have stars in your pelt?" she looked around. "Am I dead?"

Sorreltail blinked with warmth as she ignored the three questions. "You have a great destiny, Lilykit, remember. Remember."

* * *

Lilykit's sky-blue eyes flashed open. She sighed in relief as the familiar ceiling of the nursery gazed at her from up high. She turned her head and breathed in the known scent of her mother. Lilykit drew a paw over her left ear. That was a weird dream. She thought shivering slightly.

"Lilykit, are you okay?" her mother, Silverwing looked at Lilykit anxiously. "Did you catch a cold?" The silver tabby she-cat gave her kit a lovely lick.

The nest rustled as Lilykit's littermate, Skykit woke up, blinking as the early sun shone in her blue eyes. Skykit was older than Lilykit just by a little, and bigger too. They both had clear, sky-blue eyes and white pelts, but their patches were different. Lilykit had ginger patches while Skykit had grey-blue ones.

Lilykit stretched and yawned. "No," she glanced out of the nursery entrance as she caught the drift of fresh kill floating in her nose. "It looks like the hunting patrol is back! Oh, when can I eat a vole?"

Silverwing grasped Lilykits scruff and carried her kit to the medicine cat's den which was opposite the nursery. "No time for that, Lilykit you could have caught a cold. You know how easy  it is to get ill in autumn."

Lilykit lashed her tail. "I said no!"

"Better safe than sorry," Silverwing hurried inside from the chilly leaf-fall morning breeze. "Violetwing?" she called to her sister.

At once, a long-furred she-cat appeared from the cave. "Yes?"

Silverwing nudged Lilykit forward, indicating a check-up as Violetwing nosed the kit all over. "She is fine," Her violet eyes shone teasingly. "Calm down Silverwing, your kits are old enough to look after themselves."

Silverwing sniffed, her head high. "I am not worrying at all." She flicked her tail. "Lilykit, come back to the nursery before sun-high!" and the silver tabby she-cat padded away leaving Lilykit with her violet-eyed sister.

Violetwing nosed a herb as she started a conversation. "How are you this morning?"

Lilykit lifted her small head to Violetwing. "It was nice, but I had a super weird dream-"

The medicine cat's ears pricked as she listened to the kit's ramble about a tortoiseshell she-cat with stars in her fur. "Do you get these dreams often? What you have seen could be our ancestor, Sorreltail. She fits your description perfectly."

"No, it was my first time. Though the nice cat told me that I have a great destiny. What does that mean?" Lilykit tilted her head slightly, her blue eyes shining with confusion and curiosity.

Violetwing used her tail to sweep up a pile of herbs in one corner of her storage den and avoided eye contact with the kit. "I'm sure that means she wants you to enjoy your life, have fun, experience new things, and face challenges. That is my definition of a great destiny. Anyway, you should go back to Silverwing, I'm sure she would love a juicy squirrel."

Lilykit brightened at the sound of that and scampered off, leaving dust in the air. Suddenly her ginger and white head poked back into the den, half startling the medicine cat.

"Oh Violetwing, some of those herbs seem to have lost their scent. You should get some cat to collect more thyme." The ginger and white kit meowed as she rushed off to the fresh-kill pile once more, leaving Violetwing shocked.

"You are one extraordinary kitten, Lilykit."

Good morning/evening warriors!
Thank you so much for reading this first  'real' chapter of Lilyshine's Destiny. I really appreciate it! How do you enjoy the story so far? Please comment on feedback, or dm me privately, I would love to improve my writing as well as get new ideas. Again, thank you so much for reading, and keep your ears pricked for the next chapter!


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