2 : We Are Brothers

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"Beammm..." Phana is now crouching besides Beam who is on the floor while caressing Beam's bleeding lips caused by the impact of Ming's punch.

"What do you think you're doing?!! Stay away from us!! You... barbaric....fool!!" Phana scolded Ming for his violent behaviour.

He helped Beam to stand up then pulls him out from the place passing Ming like he's invisible, ignoring the intense gaze the man gives him. The man was clearly pissed off with what he just witness earlier.

His to-be lover kissing another man under his watch! This man never failed to make him losing his cool and tonight instead of agreeing to become his plus one to the charity dinner, he bring along someone. A man. A handsome beautitul one on top of it.

Well Phana is still the most handsome and beautitul to him because he's about to rearrange the face of that man he kissed.

"Walk out and I will make sure that fucker will pay for it." Ming warned Phana clutching his arm hard. Phana tilt his head only to be face with Ming darken expression making him flinched for a second.

"If you touch him..." Phana can't think of a threat to level Ming's threat. He knows Ming will do what he said. He had witness his ruthlessness for about a month already when it comes to him. People who usually flirts or making dirty jokes to him suddenly disappeared or got into an accident or weirdly they avoided him at all cost. Phana comes to know about the cause recently when one of Ming's victim tells him.

"....I'll send you a video of us fucking each other....... Mr. Daichapanya." Beam confidently said smirking at the raging man in front of them.

Ming eyes widen at Beam's statement as he considered it as threat thus making him speechless.

Who is this man suddenly coming between me and my future husband?

"Yeah that! Let us through." Phana agreeing to Beam remarks but then...

"Huh! Come again?!" Phana asked again after he had thoroughly processed what Beam had just said to Ming.

Fucking who?

"Aww.. baby you're so cute being confused like that. Come lets go home and treat my wound and maybe we can send him the video?" Beam cooing at Phana reaction to his words earlier while continuing to push Ming's button by deliberately eyeing Phana from head to toe licking his lips.

"Baby...what.." Ming stammered on his words dumbfounded at Beam's statement. Again! And the urges to tear Beam into tiny pieces skyrocket when he saw Beam is eyes-raping Phana.

"Let go of him! He's mine!" Ming exclaimed.

"He's the one who's holding me Mr. D. Hey lets go." This time its Beam's turn to pull Phana out from the ballroom where countless of eyes were still on them due to the commotion. Their eyes followed the pair until Beam and Phana shadows leaves through the entrance leaving the dumbfounded Ming with his wild thought.


"A warning next time will be much appreciated Pha." Beam opens the conversation feeling massive pains on his face. Damn that kid! He thought to himself. He knows Ming. Phana rants consists of his name for about a month now. Ming that. Ming this. Ming all over.

"Sorry.." All what Phana reacted when they got into his car.

"... he's a disturbance for almost a week already, well a month since we met." He resent the man existence near him. It was tolerable at first when he was his patient but knowing how dangerous he can be, Phana choose to stay away and blocks him from his life.

"He's not bad. He looks like he can protect you." Beam knowing exactly how Phana kindness always get him in troubles. People exploits his kindness for their benefits and having Ming teaching those scums a lesson is so satisfying.

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