4 : We Meet Again

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Tae is waiting for his ride outside of the hospital entrance after the two car crash victims were safely treated even though one of the nearly left this world. After the police took his statement, Tae call for the same cab to fetch him at the hospital.

While waiting, a man busy talking on his phone grabs his attention. He looks rather familiar but Tae can't quite place it but he seems to be walking straight into his direction.

The reason for it is because he had his eyes focus on his bag searching for something and his other hand is holding on his phone. Amused, Tae smirks waiting for the crash to happen in three...two..one..


"Shit..sorry." The man curse his clumsiness.

Tae on the other hand, had his arm secured around the man slender waist to prevent him from falling down butt first on the floor.

"Nah! I'm fine. Not my first crash today. I wouldn't mind an angel this time." Tae said in his flirty tone, still holding the man waist, who's height only reached his chin. Then the man lifts his head to meet Tae who already facing him down.

"Shoot!! Angel indeed." Tae subconscious mind speaking through. Now that he can clearly see the man face, the familiar feeling keeps attacking him.

Weirdly enough, the man didn't push him or something with the proximity between them. His eyes on the contrary are looking at him like he's in a shock.

Not long after, he put his hand on Tae's right cheek before letting out a loud gasp, pushing Tae hard and giggles his way out from Tae's firm grip.

In vain!

"Sorry. I... I need to go." The man excuses himself but Tae wasn't gonna let him go yet.

"What is your name?" Tae asked deliberately making it likes he's mad.

"Why?" He's quivering under his tone.

"Lets have coffee tomorrow. Compensation for bumping into me."


"Huh? Is that a yes or a no?"

"No. Yes. I mean yes."


Tae release the man from his grip and straighten his clothes back but the bloodstains on his shirt from the crash earlier had made their way to the man cloth.

"Shit I dirtied your clothes. This isn't gonna wash out easily." Tae said feeling sorry.

"Its..fine. I have my way. Not my first blood. Are you hurt by the way? That's a lot of bloods coming from you." The man asked with concerns.

"Not mine. I stumbled across a crash earlier and help the victims. Their blood must've gotten to my shirt." Tae explained.

"Ouh.. okay."

The atmosphere becomes awkward afterwards when both of them wasn't saying anything but busy studying each other head to toe.

Tae suddenly received a call from the cab he is waiting telling him he had arrived.

"Give me your number." Tae boldly asked handing his phone to the guy. He can't risk it losing this one. He feels the need to meet him again. There seem to be an invincible connection attracting him to the man so he's not gonna do the 'wait and see' thing.

Luckily the guy agreed to key in his number and then press the call button. A ringtone played on the man phone thereafter blooms a smile on Tae face.

"I'm Beam. Sorry again. I wasn't looking."

"A coffee tomorrow...Beam. I'll call you." Tae said hectically as his driver keeps calling him again to rush him.

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