13 : We Were Beautiful

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Tee is back and everything went back to the way it was before.

Tae's dad is Tee dad once again.

Tae's mum is Tee mum once again.

The Kreepoolrerk's house is Tee house once again.

But everyone forgot about something.

Where did Prae stands among all that?

When everyone is joyously celebrating Tee's comeback to the Kreepoolrerk's, Prae past is haunting her every second with Tee's presence in their house.

His smile, his face, his whole existence is a torture to her.

You should've died!

"You agree to this? Phi Tae dating Tee, his own brother?!" Prae stand up with an angry face, after Tae announced that he will be marrying Tee in a month time during dinner at their house.

"Baby, behave. They're not blood related. Its too late anyway to separate them. We have no objection against their relationship. It was a better option to bring him back to our family." Nia explained to her youngest much to her dislikes. She thought they will break up and move on with their life because he knows how her Phi adore the man so much as a brother.

But this? Marrying him? How big is his love exactly to Tee? Prae can't understand her Phi.

"I'm not agreeing to this. Its....weird. But I'm not the one you should worried about. There is still his mother. No way she will allows them to get married. I know her from the inside out and she can be a devil." Prae warns them and get to her room in a very sour mood. Everything didn't go her way lately.

His beloved man was taken by some bitch she never saw before. Even that rat kid loves her! How cunning, using the kid to get his father!!

Tee comebacks makes her experiencing nightmares. She tried to ignore it but its getting severe and made her insomniac.

She needs to release her stress.


"Prae is right, Vee won't let Tee marries you." Nia stated with a grimace face. She never like the lady the first time she meets her. Something about her seems off but she can't exactly points it out at that time.

However, Prae coming to her home one night in rainy day, with bruises all over her answered all the unsettle feeling she have about Vee's true self.

How can she hit a child! Nia was so furious at that time she nearly called the police but Prae pleaded them not to.

That's why she fight hard to get custody of Tee too after Prae was given back to them. But the woman is wicked! She ran away, taking Tee with her and disappeared without a trace. No wonder they can't track her down. She remarries and changed Tee name.

"Lets arrange a meeting between our families. I have so many questions to ask them. From what happened to Tee and why she disappeared from us." Nia suggested to her husband and son which both of them gladly agrees because they need answers too.

Something is definitely not right about Tee condition. He's definitely Tee but they need to know why he doesn't remember.


"Vee? Huh! That bitch! Do not mention the slut name in front of me ever! I'm glad the whole birth swap happened. If not...." Vee ex-husband Thanit, is fuming with anger when Kem and Moe told him about their real intention meeting him at the hotel restaurant. The three of them are in a private room discussing the matter.

"Can you explain further sir. This is important. We are puzzles by something we don't understand. Too many secrets and none of everything we know so far make sense." Moe calmly stated to the middle age man.

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