10 : We Are Confuse

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Prae excuses herself and went to her room, refused to join them shopping for dinner. Her mother thought that, not able to meet Kem made her having a mood swing.

For Prae, Kem is her first love and she had done everything to get his attention from her teen days but Kem only treated her like his little sister and not more.

Kem also had made it very clear that she will not become more than a sister to him by marrying his pregnant girlfriend four years ago. Even though she's no longer alive, Kem still refused to accept her as anything other than a sister.

But for Prae, giving up wasn't in her dictionary. She won't left a work unfinished and that's why she's a successful woman in her career. A manager in her age. Provings to everyone that she can manage her father company without anyone helping her. She's a devil in her line of works that are dominated by men.

Her brother sudden decision to become a doctor than pursuing engineering like his father told him to had made him very devastated thus making their relationship aren't as good but she knows that is not the only reason.

Real reason that his brother being rebellious to their father is because of Tee.



How she despise that name! Even gone still loved by her family.

Prae knows that her brother and mother are still secretly missing Tee, the boy she got swaps with when they're babies. Even though they didn't say it out loud afraid it will hurt her feelings, she knows. Tee's things are still in her mother possession and she got reprimanded once trying to get rid of it.

Her father is the only one she can rely on backing her up. That's why she loves him more than the other two of her family members.

She thanks his old family for disappearing without any trace so she can live happily without the boy coming her way.

She always felt that she doesn't belong in her old house. Her mother hates her and her father only cares about her mother well being. She was always alone even though she had a brother.



I resent his existence along with his brother Tee. Hope both of them rot in hell for making my life miserable.

Luckily her wish comes true and everything went well for her after the discovery of her true origin. She never heard anything from her old family again after the incident and she hopes it stay the same.

But today...


Another Beam in her life again after the Beam and seeing his brother happy face didn't escaped her. He is definitely in love. She never saw that kind of happiness on his face before.

So she needs to make this Beam her ally but she needs to win another man heart first. The boy is really getting in her nerves everytime she wanted to make a move to Kem and Kem only put his attention on the stupid boy. He was the reason Kem is mad at her.

I need to get rid of that monkey!


"You cooked this?" Kem was suprised to see dinner already served after he comes out after freshing up from his nap. He forgot to call the hotel to send them dinner but Moe already solved that problem.

By cooking!

"No. Mark did." Moe playfully answer waving her brows making Kem laughed.

"...of course I cooked. Wait! Do I look like that kind who can't cook?" Moe retorts squinting her eyes at Kem. Kem blinks his eyes suprised at Moe sudden death question.

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