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My little hamburger



Don't be rude. I only said hi


i love you


i love you so much!

What's gotten into you?

ur mom
ok sorry
i just wanted to say it
i'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable


wait are you trying to-
you're trying to say it back aren't you?
wtf wait
that's adorable

All I said was love

but i know you
i can tell
i felt the emotion in it
even if it wasn't the whole phrase
i still felt it like it was

Whatever makes you sleep at night, i guess.

You're too embarrassed to admit it?
stop being so. cute wtf
i'm going to have a heart attack and die


then stop being so adorable!!!
you're 23 cmon! man up
i'm going to cry

don't cry):

ur doing this on purpose

am i?

there he is

hope u enjoyed that

yes i did thank u very much
do it again
actually do it constantly
i don't really fancy your personality
so just change

fancy? why'd you turn british all of a sudden

never insult me ever again
i despise the tea drinking colonizers.

Aren't you a colonizer as well

Hell no
my parents immigrated here

same difference

Uh... What
can u like roleplay hug 🤗 me


I feel like you dot dot dot me a lot

i'm glad you've noticed!

yeah. I'm sorry if i come off strong it's just i don't know i know i'm annoying.
i'm sorry if you're forcing yourself to respond to me just because you feel sorry for me.
  sorry i overthink a lot you know words of reassurance is my love language.
i know we probably won't go anywhere further then where we are now but i wish you'd yknow at least not hate me while we do talk because one day we'll just stop talking completely and i dread for that day

CLEMENCY, CORPSE HUSBANDWhere stories live. Discover now