Jurassic park (4)

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Cross star trudged his feet through the jungle foliage looking for prey. He stopped in his tracks when he heard a crunch. He lowered down slowly stalking the sound before seeing the massive deer. He steadyed his breathing before lungeing at the deer his jaws snapping down onto the deer's neck. Cross stars eyes slitted as he kept his jaws clamped down onto the deer's neck getting it pinned down onto the earthy ground. He watched the deer struggle to get away before going limp as it looses its life. Once the deer was fully dead cross star released his hold on the deer's neck grabbing it by one of it hooves dragging it back to his den. Nightmare layed in the nest in her person form humming and rubbing her plump belly a warm smile on her 'lips'. She heard the spund of something dragging and looked up seeing her mate walk into the cave with a deers hoof in his mouth. 

She shifted into her raptor form and walked over to her mate helping him drag the deer carcass into the cave. Cross star huffed softly after he got the carcass into the cave fully. His tail wagged softly as he gave his mates neck a soft nuzzle happy to be back near her. Nightmare giggled and purred nuzzleing back. Both of them knew about the trackers that were inside of them. Cross star already got rid of his back in the encloser he was kept in. Nightmare however still had hers and she knew her mate knew about the tracker. Cross star huffed and told is mate that it would be best is he took the tracker out of her body. Nightmare gave a worried look at her mate and asked if it would hurt. Cross star told it mate it will hurt but he also told her he would try his best to get rid with out so much pain. Nightmare nodded and told her mate that he could get rid of the tracker. Cross star nodded and knocked his mate out so she wouldn't feel the pain. 

He started to remove the tracker getting it out fully. He closed up the wound before his mate would die from blood loss. He would carefully place his mate in the nest grabbing the tracker and running out of the cave running as fast as he can his feet thumping on the earthy ground as he ran. Once he got far enough from his den the he threw the tracker then ran back to the den he shares with his mate.  Once he got back his body was exhausted from running so much he walked over to the nest and curled up around his prego mate blushing warmly and smileing softly. As nightmare was recovering she was deeply worried for the friends she made back at the breeding station. She knew that they had mates but she didnt want them to have their young taken away from them at a certain age. Nightmare looked at her mate with a begging look asking him to save her friends. Cross star looked at his mate with a brow raised. He asked why as his tail flicked and twitched makeing a slithering motion as he moved his tail from side to side. 

Nightmare explained why letting out soft whimpers as she spoke. Cross star sighed softly and nodded asking on what her friends looked like. Nightmare gave a warm smile and explained. Geno was a pure white raptor with feathers that faded to a blood red at the tips, ink was a soft tan raptor with feet and hands that faded to and inky black with her feathers going from a softer tan color to a different rainbow color at the tips. Little Pn was a soft lavender raptor that had feathers that slowly faded to a darker purple the same dark purple was on her snout as well. Cross was a pure white raptor as well her hands and feet were faded to a lavender color as her feathers faded to black at the tips she also had a silk black X on her chest and both sides of her hips. Then there was taylor she was a raptor with fur instead of feathers her pattern was like a german shepherd pelt pattern. Cross star nodded and walked out of the cave spreading open his wings and bursting into the air. 

He flew back to the breeding station his ruffled up. He landed at the gates of the breeding station his chest became a warm blue hue before flames blased out of his mouth melting the bars that gos into the lab. He walked into the lab and saw taylors pattern walking over to her kennel. Cross star saw the lock and huffed he blasted his fire once again melting the lock into complete goo. He opened the kennel door watching the small female snap awake and hiss at him. Cross star growled back and made a serious of clicks and chirps telling Taylor that he wasnt a threat. Before the night of escape the head office of the breeding station got a notification of taylors health with the signs of her being pregnant this made outers boss confused because taylor didnt have a mate. Now back to the night of escape. Taylor let out a low growl at the male as she got out of her kennel going into a sprint to outers office. Cross star let out a huff and went to go get the others. 

Taylor got to outers office and tapped onto the glass with her claws and made a motion to come out. Outer nodded and got up from his desk and walked out if his office only to be picked up by taylor as she ran out following after the male that helped her get out of the kennel. Seeing the male talking to the females she very much knew. The other raptors hopped into the back of the truck sitting down next to their mates. Taylor jumped up into the back as well carefully placeing outer down. Cross star shut the gate on the truck hopping into the truck and starting it up. He hit the gas and started to dive back to the den. Blueink was keeping an eye on nightmare to make sure that she stays safe. Soft huffs let blueinks mouth as he tried to relax. Nightmare sat at the cave entrance waiting for her mate to come back. Soft whimpers left her mouth. Cross star was able to get back to the den he hopped out of the truck after parking it of couse and ran up to his mate pulling her close to his warm softly scolding her that it was past her bed time. 

Outer removed the trackers in the raptors watching them all happily rub up against their mates and give nightmare hugs as if they were saying thank you. Shattered however happily greeted his sister after many years of being separated. Sci started to wake up his head throbbing harshly in pain looking around seeing that he was in a nest and was in a cave. Dance walked back into his cave shifting into his person form putting on a pair of pants that he stole. He looked at sci and gave a warm smile. Sci stuttered on his question wanting to know how in the liveing stars was he able to shift into a person. Dance gave a soft chuckle and answered scis question. The two of them chattered before sci snuggled up close to dance as he drifted off into sleep. A soft chuckled came from dance as he held sci close and fell asleep as well. 

(Narrator: another chapter done for u guys uwu thank u for the help buddy uwu 

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