A woven path

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The king looked at the Madge as he held his two new born twins one being quiet and letting out small little purrs as the other coos and giggles. the madge looked at the king as the words came out of his mouth as clear as glacle water 'your kindom will fall to scales and fire as your children lead the waring tide of scales choose what you do wisely or you may end up six feet under' the madge warned before disappearing into thin air before the kings eyes. The king let out a snarl as he placed his little ones into their cribs storming out of the castle and into the town his voice booming with rage 'HEAR ME OUT I WANT EVERY LAST DRAGON IN MY RELM SLAUGHTERED I DONT WANT A SINGLE ONE LEFT BREATHING WHO EVER CAN KILL THE MOST OF THESE BREASTS WILL BE FINELY REWARDED' the towns folk looked at their king with sock before a crooked smile formed on their faces. For months dragons were slaughtered left and right now mercy was given to the scaley creatures. How ever the king and queen of dragons were able to flee along with many others before they were spotted and killed. 

Years went by nightmare aged into a fine women as shattered was trained constantly to kill anything that was a dragon on sight. The king however was still pissed her ended up marrying nightmare off to a wealthy family not careing what his daughter felt. Many nights were spent with nightmare and her father argueing on that she didnt want to marry anyone. Shatterrd how ever loved the dragons he found them interesting and pretty. He even found a lover that was a dragon many nights were spent with him and his lover cuddleing and enjoying each others warmth but tonight was a different night. Pn landed at her lovers window smileing warmly as his face as he slept she would slip into the room with ease her tail softly swaying from side to side as she looked at her lovers sleeping body. But spmething in side of her craved the feeling of warmth of bareing a child. She rubbed her thighs against each other as her body began to heat up with a warmth of the need to breed. She would walk over to her sleeping lover knowing how to easily get in the mood to mate. 

Pn would drool softly as her body lightly trembled laying on top of her mate as her body continued to pulse with warmth. She would rub the certain spot she knew that would always get him into the mood watching his face scrunch up as a soft golded yellow glow came from his body. She continued to rub that spot till her lovers eco completely summoned letting out a low purr of lust when she feels something poke at her lower half. She would shift so she could pull off the clothing that covered her lovers lower half her tail wagging softly as her wings gave a small flutter. She took off his pants and boxers her eyelights turning into a heart from the sheer size of her lover. Pn would shift her body once more so her hips were hovering over her mates massive shaft drooling softly as she pushed her mate member inside of her tight and warm entrance. She covered her mouth as more drool and soft little moans came out of it her legs trembleing softly watching her mates face scrunch up with pleasure. She hoped that he would and wouldnt wake up to her rideing him her tail woukd wag softly once she gets her lovers shaft fully inside of her entrance she never wouldve thought that she could be filled so easily. 

Once Pn was adjusted to her lovers size she would start to lift her hip up and push them back down keeping her mouth covered as she moaned out in bliss. Shattered would start to stir awake from the pleasure he was reseaving seeing his lover rideing him. He would let out some small moans before he pins his lover down onto the bed thrusting at a harsh and fast pace into her watching her face look so pleased and pleasured. This went on for the rest of the night of the two of them mateing and pleasureing each other. Pn knew that she was going to be bareing her lovers young after this night and she would love the young with all of her heart. Nightmare would be crying in her room sick of her fathers ways she decided to prove him wrong and to bring back a dragon head to her father to prove to him that she didnt need to marry anyone.  She would go out armor that was made to fit her body on and would also grab a sword. 

She went out into the forest determined to prove her father wrong but in truth this was what the madge saw. This was only just the beginning of the war and soon if dragons and peopke dpnt get along the humans will be longer exist. Cross star would be rubbing his body against the stone cold floor trying to cool himself off his body acheing with heat. He huffed softly and went to his nest that was behind his mound of gold he could swear that being a dragon was harder than being a human. Nightmare climbed up the side of a mountain finding the den were cross star nested walking into the den her eyes going wode at the sight of all the gems and gold that was collected up inside of this den. She then froze when she heard a groan leave from behind the mound of gold. She couldn't see what it was hearing the scrapes of claws against the stone and before she knew it the large wyvern stood before her. 

Nightmare went to grab her sword before it was knocked out of her hands and skided to the side of cave. She watched in fear as the wyvern opened its mouth sqieezeing her eyes shut expecting to have her life ended. Cross star became interested into the little human his body pulseing with heat opening his mouth tasteing her scent. He found her scent soft yet sweet and sour letting out a low purr as he nudged nightmare down onto the stone floor watching hwr bpdy tremble. He carefully stuck his nose underneath her body and lifted up her lower half so her ass was up in the air. He murmmered a spell that would shift a human being into a dragon for only a around 16-17 hours. Nightmare would be squeaking softly at her body shifted into that of a dragons as a sudden warmth and a strong need to be bred flowed throughout her body. She wpuld blush brightly and pant softly moveing her newly formed tail to the side so the male would be able to breed with her. 

Cross star would smirk softly as he mounted the female his tail softly wagging as he lets his cocks freee teaseing her entrance nefore slideing into her with ease groaning from how tight she is. Nightmare woulve let out a moaning rawr as she felt the male enter her feeling her eyes roll back into her skull never have felt so full in her life. The two ended up breeding for most of the night or till their heats were gone nightmare felt more at home with the male dragon than she did with ghost who she was supposed to be marrying. Blueink would be wakiing around with keyboard looking for a form to base her dragon form off of. Keyboard would be smirking softly at the heated scent that came off of his lover waiting for her to choose a form to base her dragon form off of so they could breed properly. Blueink would end up finding a fox giveinf a warm smile and shifting her body into that of a foxes being the size of a dragon but looking like a fox with horns and wings. 

Thats when she noticed that she was indeed in heat. Blueink would let out some soft huffs as she looked around for keyboard her hind legs trembleing softly. Keyboard would be in his dragon form being a wolf wyvern walking out of the tree line and over to Blueink watching her face light up as she ran over to him. He would follow behind Blueink nudgeing her tail to the side so he could mate with her his tail softly wagging. Once he was able to move his tail to the side he would mount her letting out some little growls of lust as he grinded against his lover. Blueink would squeak softly before allowing her lover to mate with her needing the burning warmth inside of her gone blushing darkly and drooling softly. The two ended up mateing successfully blueink could feel eggs forming inside of her belly once keyboard wpuld abke to get his knot stuck inside of her. Both of them would get tired from mateing and wpuld snuggle keeping an ear out for any hunters. 

Narrator: and thats the end of this chapter I hope u enjoyed it uwu  

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