Fallen stars (3)

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Nightmare slowly opened her eye letting out a yawn and stretching out her limbs whimpering softly at the pain that burned in her lower half. She carefully got out of her bed and limped to the bathroom to wash off. Nightmare took and nice hot and long shower likeing the hot water petal onto her soft flesh and drip down her body. She grabbed a lofa and poured some if her strawberry short cake scented body soap onto it. Then nightmare rubbed the lofa onto her body and made sure to give her tentacles a therow wash. Once nightmate was done with her shower she turned off the water and got out drying herself off with a towel. Nightmare grabbed the clothes that she left on the counter takeing notice that they felt softer and looked more cute like. This made nightmare raise a brow but shrugged it off. She put on the clothes likeing how they felt on her body. 

The soft texture of the fabric felt nice againdt her eco more than less the way it wasn't so bagy and fit her shape just right made her like the clithes even more. Nightmare looked at herself in the mirror after it cleared up giggleing softly at the pun it had on the shirt. The pun was 'not right meow i need my pawffee first' it was a typical cat pun but nightmare liked it. Cross star was in the kitchen cooking breakfast not wanting to just have straight up scrambled eggs for once in his life. He hummed softly as he pkated the food onto two plates one for his mate and the other for himself. He heard his mate let out a groan which was the normal good morning greeting he got from her. He let out a chuckle and said 'good moring to you too love'. Cross star grabbed nightmares plate and walked over to her janding it to her giveing nightmare a kiss on the cheek and a light slap on the ass. The slap on the ass made nightmare let out a high pitched squeak with a bright blush dusting her cheeks. 

For the rest of the day was quiet which made nightmare a bit calmer than most but made cross star on high alert for anying out of the ordinary. Nightmare felt calmer than she has ever felt in her life. She looked at cross star her eyelight a bit wide and more loveing as she gazed at him. She then scooched closer to his snuggleing up to his chest or well the side of it. Nightmare felt happy a some how more complete in her life than she ever was. She closed her eye and relaxed letting the darkness of sleep swollow her into its calming warmth. Cross star gave a warm smile at his mate useing one of his arms to hold her close to his warmth leaning back and closeing his own eyes falling into the sleepy darkness as well. 

Taylor hummed softly as she relaxed in the room she was given by fell. She still wondered what that feeling was her tail softly twitching from side to side as she hummed. She was lost in her thoughts the world around seeming to become distant and faded as she thought. Taylor snapped out of her thoughts when fell opened the door asking if she wanted to go out for lunch. Taylor gave a nod and smiled. Fell gave a nod and clpsed the door walking down stairs and walking over to his mate giveing her a kiss on the cheek. Sans gave a small giggle as she smiled brightly feeling happy. Taylor, sans and fell went out for lunch all of them enjoying their meal. Outer was sitting at a table by himself his halo continueing to glimmer as it floated over his head. He sat at a small table while calmly drinking some lemon tea while reading a book. He heard a giggle and moved his eyelights to look at his side seeing someone who looked familiar but he couldnt put his finger on it. 

Taylor looked at outer their eyes locking with with outers and that same feeling sparked through the both of them again. Blushes rised to their faces and looked away from each other their souls raceing like a race car. Outer was abke to calm himself down knowing what his soulmate looked like now. He thought to himself as he drank his tea. After everything was done eaten or drank. Sans and fell went to the 'bathroom' lets just face it fell was horny and felt like wrecking his mate for a bit. Outer went up to taylor and greeted her his halo glowing a bit brighter than it ever does. Taylor greets him back and they chat for a bit before sans and fell came out of the bathroom. The two soulmates departed and went to their homes for the rest of the night the two were restless thinking about how the other looked cute or handsome. 

Narrator: and that's the end of their chaoter I'll see ya in the next one uwu 

Random shit with the sanses pt 2Where stories live. Discover now