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shattered would be grumbling to himself as he holds pn close to his warmth their wedding went well if it wasn't for dream trying to cut his stomach open with a butter knife. pn have been comforting her now-husband after their wedding apologizing for her brother's actions not understanding why he was doing that. she wanted to make it up to shattered after what her brother did feeling bad and wanting to see shattered's smile again. she would softly rub her hands on his scarred rib cage tracing each and every scar with a finger watching shattered soul shiver inside of his rib cage. her gaze was soft and warm as she continued to trace the scars softly singing a small lullaby. shattered would be blushing brightly snuggling close to his wife as he started to relax feeling his eye starting to slowly drift close already feeling tired. he always loved it when pn sang a lullaby to him feeling happy. a soft smile drifting onto his 'lips' as he fully fell asleep. pn would give a warm smile to her sleeping husband letting out some soft purrs as she snuggled close to his chest feeling happy to see him giving his smile letting her eyes drift close as she falls asleep. 

the next morning shattered was awake before the sun was even able to rise into the sky watching the love of his life sleep peacefully in his arms. giving a soft and warm smile feeling much better than the day before keeping her close to his warmth. he would be letting out some soft purrs as he goes into deep thought making little shapes on his wife's back. he wouldn't even realize that his love awoke as the sun started to rise into the sky. pn would shift just a bit in her love's arms looking up at him seeing that he was in deep thought she knew his thinking face all too well. she would then snuggle close to his warmth letting out some soft purrs as she softly nuzzled his chest starting to relax once more in his warmth. he would be letting out some soft purrs before snapping out of his thoughts making his love look at hi his gaze still so ever soft and warm as he pulls her into a soft and passionate kiss. pn would feel shivers go up and down her back as she kisses back letting out some happy purrs. she knew she could get used to waking up like this. their kiss however didn't last very long when dream burst into their room. this would make shattered let out a hiss pulling the blankets over their nude body glaring harshly at dream. as for pn she just hid her face in shattered's chest embarrassed and flustered. dream would glare back at shattered as he tells the newlyweds that it's time for breakfast before swiftly leaving the room closing the door behind himself. 

this would make shattered let out a low grumble as he softly nuzzles the top of his lover's skull not really wanting to get out of bed. he really just felt like snuggling his wife till his legs went numb. but they both knew that they could get in trouble if they at least didn't show up to breakfast. they would both get up out of bed and would get dressed in some nice clothes letting before heading to the dining room to get some breakfast. the two of them not really wanting to deal with any drama with dream and just wanting to spend the day with the other and wanting to be left alone. pn felt very happy as she stays close to shattered she wanting to just be left alone with shattered and to be tangled up into his warmth. she couldn't feel any happier than she was with shattered giving a warm smile to the taller as they walk into the dining room. they would sit down at the table with dream glaring daggers at them. pn would be sitting in shattereds lap as his head rested on top of hers she would then notice that he was still pretty tired feeling bad as she gave some soft nuzzles to the underside of his jaw.-

Taylor would be getting very nervous. she was getting married to outer in five days and she didn't know how to calm herself down. she tried everything but that tight feeling in her stomach wouldn't go away. she would be presently pacing in her room biting her fingers her ears folding back against her skull. she would then jolt at the sound of a knock at her door and outer's kind voice asking her if she was ok. she would be even more nervous before answering the door giving outer a worried look before letting him come inside of her room. she could already feel the tears slipping down her face. she would feel outer cup her cheeks and wipe away her tears with his thumbs starting to slowly calm down. she asked her voice shaking if outer was fine with this marriage happenin' her body trembleing as she spoke. outers gaze would turn soft and warm telling taylor that he didn't mind the marriage and that he only wanted to make her happy. their faces would inch closer before outer pulled taylor into a kiss. she would jolt in surprise before kissing back wrapping her arms around his neck as she purrs happily feeling better.-

cross star would be looking around tired his mate close to his warmth happy to have nightmare back into his life. he would be letting out some soft purrs as they got onto the ship once more. nightmare was being very over protective of the eggs his tentacles protecting the eggs and formed a basic flower like bulb against his back with the three eggs inside of the bulb. blueink was now almost constantly tired he was laying in one of the nest like beds he knew what was wrong with him especially after what he did when he saw his mate again. lets just say it got very heated during their stay and blueink was now bareing eggs his body already drained of magic. nightmare would be at the stearing wheel as horror lifted up the anchor as they set back to sea. cross star staied to his mate and the eggs inside o the bulb he made letting out some soft purrs happy to have nightmare and glad that blueink has dropped his agression

Narrator: and that's the end of the chapter uwu I hope u enjoyed it nwn

Random shit with the sanses pt 2Where stories live. Discover now