The call

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I got up quickly. Looking around my apartment wasn't a very difficult job. There were only two rooms after all. She wasn't in the bedroom. I opened the door. The living room was empty. I went outside. It was still raining. I didn't know where to look. She could be anywhere.

I heard a knock at the door. I rushed to open it, hoping it was Layton. I opened the door with hope. To my disappointment, it was my neighbour. I sighed and went back to the couch, where i was sitting previously. I went to Ross's house. She told me she hadn't seen Layton since i left with her. She told me she wanted to apologize to Layton. I left. I didn't want to talk to the person that probably caused my friend to disappear.

I was starting to freak out. What if something happened to her? What if she was hurt? Or even dead? I tried to remove these thoughts out of my head but they kept coming back. I decided to go on a walk to clear my head. I went towards the McDonald's that was far away from my home so i wouldn't see anything that reminded me of Layton. At around 30 minutes into my walk, i saw a person sitting on the side of the road. I tried to see who it was. I tried to see their face without them seeing i was staring at them. I could see they had blood all over their face and were clearly crying. Then suddenly it hit me. The person was Layton.

- Layton? i whispered.

She looked at me for a second. She looked scared. Extremely scared.

- Layton, are you okay? What happened?

She refused to talk. I heard her barely whisper "I'm fine". I knew i had to get her to my apartment first. She could barely walk. We took a bus home so it would be faster. The way home seemed incredibly long.

Once we were home, i gave her clothes and let her take a shower. I tried to make her say something but nothing was working. She was tired so i let her sleep in my bed again. I was scared to fall asleep because i was scared she'd run away again and do god knows what. I just laid there with my eyes closed. It seemed like she had fallen asleep. I was relieved. I was facing her to make sure we wasn't leaving anytime soon. At around 3am she woke up. I was still pretending to sleep, even if i was tired. Layton looked scared. She got up and looked out of the window. She looked at my eyes and sat down on the bed. She took out her phone and dialled a phone number.

"I did what you asked El, I killed her"

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