Chapter 1

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I can sense them. I know that they're there, but they have no idea I know where they are.

I pull my hood further to cover the blindfold, not wanting them to know they already have an unfair advantage in any sort of battle.

They've been on my tail for three days now, and I have no idea why. As far as I know, nobody has figured out that I'm what they called the "Slavery Slayer".

Not a very creative name, in my opinion.

Basically, I freed slaves. Lots of them.

I gave the slave owners, or transporters, the option of either freeing all of their slaves, or death.

Unsurprisingly, almost all choose to free their slaves. I made sure that they knew if I ever find out they are keeping slaves again, they won't get an option.

What I did was technically illegal since I did end up killing the slave owners that refused to let them go, but nobody has ever really pursued my warrants. Until now, apparently.

I pretend to look around the bar, then shift slightly to signal the bartender for another drink. He makes a sound of acknowledgment and I hear the clink of glasses while he makes my drink.

This person must think they're dealing with an amateur. They've been quiet, but not nearly as stealthy as Fae can be.

They also haven't bothered to change or conceal their scent, like I do. Can't go around doing illegal things and leave your scent all over the place.

Although, I guess most Fae don't rely on those senses as much as I do. Most Fae have their advanced sight to rely on. I, unfortunately, do not have that advantage.

I've been blind since I was 28, but at this point I don't really need my vision anymore. My awareness shield has grown to beyond what most Fae will ever achieve.

I can sense anything from over a mile away, and can smell and hear even further. Right now, I'm trying to put that to good use and see if I can recognize this Fae's scent.

They're definitely male, I decide.

Based on their gait and musky scent. Pine and snow...I freeze for a moment, but quickly recover. It has to be a coincidence.

I attempt to focus my awareness net on the person, and get a few more details. Around 6'4, likely from...Terrasen? No, they were just there recently. They have an undertone smell from...Wendlyn? Maybe Doranelle?

Whoever they are, they definitely give off a powerful aura. Likely a person of high social standing.

I feel the presence walk closer and take the seat next to mine. I carefully angle my head away, and nod at the bartender when he places my drink in front of me.

I sniff the contents and take a small sip, enjoying the fizzy feeling as the drink goes down my throat. I can't afford to drink alcohol, being blind is already enough of a disadvantage as it is.

"So...what brings you to this part of town?" The presence asks.

I don't startle, I'd heard the slightly heavier intake of breath as they'd prepared to speak. I don't even incline my head towards them as I say,

"Just needed a drink before bed." I deepen my voice and add a gravelly tone, and I knew it worked when there was no sign of startle by the Fae next to me.

It is easy to mistake me for a male, with the baggy clothes, clunky boots, and hood, you can hardly see any of my features. Not to mention the fact that I smell like some kind of swamp creature.

"I see. You from around here?" I notice the slight strain in their voice, and know immediately that their Adarlan accent was fake.

They're from the North, no doubt about it. Considering I'm less than a mile from the border, it isn't surprising.

The question is, why is this male pretending to be from Adarlan?

"Nope." Keeping it simple, I decide. No room for conversation. A chuckle came from next to me.

"Not very talkative, are you?" I had to crack a small smile. Most people don't have the balls to call me out like that.

"Not when I'm tired." There. That's technically true, even though I'm not tired currently.

Slapping my money onto the table, I get up and calmly walk out the door, intending on going back to my apartment. I get about a quarter mile away from the bar when I hear it.

The soft thud of Fae feet. I don't pause my walking, I simply cast my net out further and track the male as he slowly gets closer and closer to me.

His breath catches a moment before he pounces, and that is his fatal mistake.

I whip around and use his surprise to my advantage as I pin him, holding my knife to his throat.

I feel the air leave my lungs, and quickly refill them with air from my own supply. I can feel his confusion as I press my knife tighter to his throat.

"Who are you?" He whispers.

I shake my head, grateful that it's nighttime and the shadows can still hide my features under my hood.

"I think that I'm the one who should be asking questions, yeah?" He doesn't move, so I continue, still using my fake voice.

"Who sent you after me and why?" I could practically feel him press his lips together.

This male definitely has a lot of pride, and I have no doubt in my mind that he'll die before revealing his master.

Suddenly, I sense another figure approaching. Then another. And another.


I didn't sign up for this. I didn't know this guy had friends.

I quickly pull him up and to my chest, iron knife still at his throat.

"One step closer and I'll kill him."

Immediately, the figures all stopped. Then I felt the one behind me shift.

"You too. If the one behind me shoots, I guarantee I'll be able to slice this male before I die." The figure behind me stops, and everything is silent for one heartbeat. Two.

"We don't want any trouble. Just release our friend, and we'll go." Female. High ranking, if her air of authority was any indication. I snorted.

"Yeah, you're not exactly in a good bargaining position, are you? And anyway, if you don't want any trouble, why send someone after me in the first place, hm?" I realize that I haven't dropped the accent yet, and know that if these Fae get my hood off, I'll be in a world of trouble.

A blind Fae female was not as intimidating as a mysterious Fae male. I could sense them all glance at each other. The female cleared her throat.

"Are you...the one who freed the slaves?" I could feel the hesitancy, and had to refrain from tightening my muscles.

"Who wants to know?" This was partly to stall for time, and you can't blame me for being a little curious about who these Fae were.

Plus, it was dark so if these Fae really were of high social standing they wouldn't be confused if I didn't recognize them.

"Aelin Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius, Queen of Terrasen."

I almost dropped my knife.


I know I know, cringy writing! But I warned you! My writing improves as the story continues, I promise.

I'm terrible at beginning stories. I get impatient for the exciting parts and tend to rush things :(

Keep going luvs!

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Love is Blind- Fenrys Moonbeam (TOG)Where stories live. Discover now