Chapter 13

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A/N: SURPRISE!!!! I got home early from work and decided to finish another chapter <3

Thank you for reading luvs!!


When we got down to the dining room, everyone was already there eating breakfast.

Fenrys led me to our seats and began getting my food for me. Dorian, who was sitting to the left, leaned over to whisper in my ear.

Everyone else was too invested in their conversation to pay attention.

    "Are you alright?" I smile and nodded at him.

    "Takes a lot more than that to break me." He chuckled and leaned a bit closer.

    "Thank you...for trying to spare her. I understand how hard she can be to persuade, but thank you for trying." I inclined my head to the king.

    "You know,'re not as much of a pain in the ass as I assumed you'd be."

He barked an incredulous laugh and I felt everyone's heads turn towards us.

He began laughing even harder as I attempted to rein in my laughter as well.

I failed miserably, and ended up laughing just as hard as Dorian at the confused scents of the other people at the table.

    "Damn, you just have a way with royals don't you?" Dorian gasped out, and I began laughing even harder, gripping my sides as I nodded my head.

That's one way to put it.

When we both finally settled down, Dorian spoke again.

"You know, Aelin, if you ever get sick of this one...send her to my kingdom." Fenrys growled at that and I hit his shoulder lightly.

    "Calm down. He's joking. Aelin could never send me away, she'd miss me too much." I blow a kiss in her direction and hear her chuckle lightly.

"Debatable." I fake a gasp a clutch a hand to my chest, mocking hurt.

Fenrys grumbles something that I choose not to hear and pulls my chair closer to him, placing his hand on my thigh. Well I'm certainly not going to complain.

The rest of breakfast goes smoothly, and I decide that I like Dorian. Yrene is sweet, and I like her too, but Chaol...something about him makes me anxious.

He doesn't like that he can't understand me, so he's constantly watching me, waiting for me to give away how I'm such a good fighter. When we all finish eating, Aelin calls out for me.

    "Hey Jax! You ready for that spar now?" I grin, nodding my head.

    "But she just-" I stop Rowan with a wave of my hand.

    "I think I know what my limits are, bird boy." The entire table doubles over in laughter at the nickname, and Rowan grumbles something about me being a bird as well.

I choose to ignore him, and instead take Fenrys' hand so he can lead me to the training room.

I stumble a bit when we switch from tile to carpet, and Fenrys lifts me up onto his shoulders.

I let out an embarrassing squeal, having to adjust to the new angle.

That's what she said.

What is wrong with me?

    "Fenrys Moonbeam, put me down." He just laughs and continues walking, ignoring my orders to set me down. Prick.

When Dorian walks past, I hold my hand out dramatically.

    "Dorian! Save me! I've been kidnapped by a giant that smells like wet dog!" Dorian chuckles while Fenrys gasps indignantly.

    "No can do, Jax. I'm afraid the smell is just too powerful." Fenrys gasps again, and I hear the thud as his hand hits his chest.

    "Dorian. How could you?! Siding with my girlfriend over me...I'm ashamed of you." He tuts disapprovingly, but I raise an eyebrow and turn my face down towards him.

    "Girlfriend?" I tease. I smell his embarrassment but he covers it with a snort.

    "Yes, you know, sometimes people who like each other will call their partner-"

    "Alright! I get it!" I cut in, knowing he'll go on forever if I let him.

    "Duck." He says.

See, normal people would lean forwards. Not me. Oh no, when he says duck, I throw myself backwards.

He grips my ankles tighter and lets out a surprised yelp.

"What are you doing?" He asks incredulously, trying to pull me back up.

    "You said to duck. I ducked." He shakes his head and murmurs:

    "Only you." Then helps me get down.

Everyone else is currently laughing at us, and I smile brightly as I walk to where Aelin is standing.

My abdomen and thighs still burn, but my pride would never let me turn down a fight.

    "You ready, bird girl?" She teases. I chuckle before nodding, holding out my hand to shake.

We crouch and get ready for Rowan to start us. As soon as he does, she tries to catch me off guard with a kick to my side.

I smile a little before grabbing and tugging her leg, sending her on her ass. As I go to pin her wrists, she sweeps her leg out, knocking me off balance.

She used that moment to send a kick to my stomach. I let out a grunt of pain before catching her fist and throwing her backwards, trying to get some time to re-orient myself.

I hear a shuffle to my right and dodge just in time as she attempts to punch from my side, using the fact that I can't see her to her full advantage.

She goes to grab my hair, which is in a braid, and pull me down. Well that's just rude.

I spin out of her grasp, facing her direction with a cocky smirk.

Next punch she throws, I grab her arm and pull her into my fist, smashing it against her face.

We continue for a few minutes, both of us having such similar styles of fighting it's easy to predict what the other person is going to do.

Finally, I feign going for an obvious hit, instead knocking her feet from under her and pinning her beneath me. I make sure she's on her stomach before pinning down her wrists.

Rowan calls the fight, and Yrene runs over to heal our injuries. I protest, saying I can heal them on my own, but she, of course, doesn't listen. I face Aelin, who's currently getting her nose fixed.

    "You're a damn good fighter." She huffs a laugh.

    "Not as good as you. I can't even imagine what you'd be like with your sight."

I choose not to think about the what if's, they only depress me. Fact is, I can't see, and not even Yrene can change that.


I hope that this chapter gives you more insight into Jax's personality <3

Until next time luvs!

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