Chapter 11

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It's almost time to go to dinner, and I'm in serious trouble. My legs and abdomen already felt like someone lit them on fire, so I know walking will be difficult. Both today and tomorrow.

I consider telling Fenrys, but I don't want to see the smug look on his face when my knees shake.

Plus, we have bigger things to worry about. Namely, Rowan.

Our scents are mixed together, and it will be obvious what we've done. I know how to conceal my scent, but I don't have time to teach Fenrys.

I already got dressed with Fenrys' help about five minutes ago, and took a shower earlier to make sure there wasn't any lingering scent of what we did on my skin. Meanwhile, Fenrys just laid on my bed, wholly unconcerned.

I could smell his satisfaction and knew that he would proudly go in there with my scent on his, and likely wanted me to release my scent as well.

    "Love, there's really nothing to worry about. We're mates, there's not much they can do about that." I whipped my head in his direction.

    "Well, it's not going to matter if we're mates or not when Rowan rips out your throat." I sensed his brief fear before he quickly covered it.

    "He won't kill me. Even though he won't admit it, the bastard likes me. Plus he cares about you too much." I shook my head, not able to calm my nerves.

He placed his hands on my shoulders and turned me to face him.

"Hey, it's going to be okay, love. I promise." With that, he leans down and places a gentle kiss on my lips before leading me out the door and to the dining room.

He continues talking, but I'm too focused on walking in a damn straight line.


Oh this was bad. Even worse than I expected, actually.

Rowan was currently being held back by Aedion, Lorchan, AND Aelin, while Fenrys and I stood together by the doors.

Apparently, we hadn't done a good enough job of washing off the sex scent. Plus...I may or may not have forgotten the more obvious physical signs that we've been together.

Fenrys smelled slightly terrified, and rightly so. Rowan smelled angry enough to rip out his throat.

    "ROWAN. For gods sake will you just listen for one second?!" I yell, and he finally stops struggling, although I can hear his heavy breathing and smell his rage.

"We're mates, okay? There's nothing you can do about that. And honestly, if I'm going to be mates with anyone, wouldn't you rather have it be someone you already know?"

Everyone held their breath as we waited for his response. I felt his rage begin to simmer down to an ember, and the people who were restraining him slowly moved away to where they were sitting.

    "Well, let's eat now, shall we?" Aelin says, and Fenrys leads me to my chair.

I suddenly feel something stab my foot and I cry out as it makes me trip and fall. Immediately, Rowan and Fenrys are by my side, asking me what happened. I slowly lift up my foot and grimace as I feel the head of a nail stuck in there.

    "Okay, hold still, I'll-" Rowan tries to say but I take a deep breath and yank it out, whimpering slightly.

I gasp at the burning feeling that goes through my foot.

    "Iron." I rasp, panicking. "Iron!" I say again, and I feel Yrene kneel by my side.

I'll never forget the feeling of iron. Those iron whips digging into my skin...I shake the thought away as the burning starts to fade, and the skin knits itself together again. I smell Rowan's rage a moment before he lunges at Fenrys.

    "If Yrene wasn't here she could've lost her foot, why weren't you paying attention?!" Its not his fault. I try to defend him, but my breathing still hasn't returned to normal.

I hear Fenrys gasp and immediately use my air to combat Rowan's. Yrene slowly helps me stand as the others rush over to get Rowan off of Fenrys.

    "I think they've got this covered, why don't we pack up our food and bring it to your room so I can take a look at those scars?" I check to make sure Rowan isn't using his power on Fenrys anymore before I nod, and Yrene grabs our plates before asking me to lead the way to my room.


We're both sitting on my bed in silence as Yrene contemplates everything I've told her about my scars. Then she sits up straighter and shift slightly, I'm assuming to face me.

    "Okay, are you ready to begin?" No. Not even close, but I not my head anyways and remove the blindfold.

She lets out a gasp as she sees them, running her fingers over the stitching. She tuts and shifts her head, tilting my face this way and that to look at the scars.

    "Ever seen anything like this before, doc?" I joke lightly, and she chuckles before continues to poke at my face.

She angles my face so that my chin is tilted upwards and I would be staring at the ceiling.

"Hey, let me know if you find a brain up there. I've been wondering for a while whether or not it ran away."

She paused before bursting out laughing, taking her hands off my face to steady herself. I grin and bring my chin back down so I'm facing her.

    "You know, I think you and Dorian would get along wonderfully." She says once she catches her breath, I hear her rub her hands together.

"Alright, I think I've seen all I need to, let's begin." I quickly grab her hands and make my face as serious as possible.

    "Remember, you promised. As soon as you begin to feel tired, or nauseated, or anything out of the ordinary, you stop immediately." She makes a sound of acknowledgement and I slowly release her hands.

    "These stitches are cursed, so as soon as the scars heal they'll fall out." I nod my head in understanding as she presses her hands to my face.

"Wait!" She said suddenly, and pushed what felt like my folded up blindfold into my mouth.

Please let me remember she did that before I put it on my face.

She placed her hands back on my face, and for a moment, there was nothing.

Then, we both began to scream.


Hellooooo my luvs!!

So I know that this chapter was kind of weird and all over the place, but again, I was young when I wrote and and I am much too lazy to go back and fix everything :)

As always, let me know if you guys have questions!

Also: I do not check my dms often so if you message me on there it might take a while for me to get to it, but I promise I will eventually!

Vote and comment!! <3

Love is Blind- Fenrys Moonbeam (TOG)Where stories live. Discover now