Chapter 7

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I was prepared this time when Fenrys took my hand and teleported us outside.

I sensed that the rest of the court was already there, and two of them were currently sparring.

From what I could tell, it was Lorchan and Rowan. I turned to Fenrys, and realized my hand was still in his. I quickly pulled it away before speaking.

"Explain what's going on. I need a play by play." I felt him turn towards me.

"I thought you could sense everything, oh great one." I knew he was teasing, and if my eyes still worked, I would have rolled them.

"I only get vague outlines. I'll explain it later. Now, I need a play by play of the fight." So, he did.

He told me who was doing what and where, while I listened to both him and the fight. When it ended, Lorchan being the winner, I felt all eyes turn to me.

"Alright, Jax. I think Rowan deserves a rematch, when you aren't fighting for your life."

I could feel the smirk in her tone, and had to bite back a chuckle as Rowan grumbled something about me having the element of surprise.

He walked into the middle of the clearing, and I carefully follow him, making sure to avoid tripping over anything.

I listen to his breathing, and it's clear the sparring with Lorchan didn't really take anything out of him. He wasn't even out of breath.

I felt him shift slightly closer to me and pinched my face to show my confusion.

"Oh, right. We usually shake hands before a fight, just to show it's all in good fun." I nod my head in understanding before holding my hand out.

He shakes it, and we both step back as we wait for the call to start. When Aelin says to go, I hear his slight huff of breath before he lunges.

I quickly step to the side and dodge him. I hear the grass move under his right foot and duck as he swings his fist, leaving his right side unprotected.

I land a hard punch to his side and quickly back away before he can retaliate. This goes on for about 5-10 minutes, him barely landing a blow as I slowly wear him down.

He's getting frustrated. I grin at him, and it works like a charm as he lunges for my right side.

I spin and land a kick to the center of his back, knocking the wind out of him.

Kind of ironic, huh?

I climb on top of his back and hold his wrists together. Aelin calls the fight. I get up and offer my hand to help him up. He takes it, and slowly stands.

"That was impressive as hell. Good job." I smile for real this time, and clap my brother on the shoulder before turning towards Aelin.

"What now?" I hear someone take a breath behind me, and don't startle as a deep voice says:

"I'll spar you." Lorchan. He was no doubt a good fighter, even better than Rowan.

My quick healing already did its job, so I'd be completely fine to spar again. I heard Rowan mutter something as he walked past Lorchan, but even my advanced hearing couldn't pick it up.

I turned in his direction and waited for him to get there. When he was close enough, I stuck out my hand.

He took it, shaking firmly, then let go and backed up a couple steps. I'm almost positive he will try to get me to strike first, since I was mostly on defense sparring Rowan.

Love is Blind- Fenrys Moonbeam (TOG)Where stories live. Discover now