Chapter 24

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A/N: Y'all are not gonna believe this XD. So I had another big accident at work the other day.

I was working with this horse and he kept throwing temper tantrums, so we were working on the canter when my saddle started to slip. It scared him, causing him to try and jump away, which flung me out of the saddle and onto the ground face-first :D.

So, yea, I'm injured. Again. :'). I stg I am the most accident prone person on the planet.

I have a terrible headache, can barely move my right arm or my neck, and really just feel very shitty overall.

So I'm gonna try to get these chapters out as quick as possible but please be patient with me. This is the third serious fall I've had in less than a month, so I'm just not in a very good mood right now XD


Two years later:

Aelin, Manon, Lysandra, Elide, and I are currently hanging out by the pool, watching the males spar on the other side of the yard. Rowan turns towards us.

"Are you females just going to sit there and watch or are you going to join us?" I roll my eyes.

"When you feel like getting your ego bruised, let me know and I'll be right over." They all laugh, and Rowan flips me off before turning back to the match.

I hear the crunch of grass behind me, and pretend to be oblivious as Fen attempts to sneak up behind me. When he's almost a foot away, I whip around quickly and yell:

    "GOTCHA!" He lets out a yelp and falls back on his ass.

Manon cackles loudly while the rest of the group tries and fails to suppress their chuckles.

Instead of getting up, he pats the spot next to him on the grass with a lazy grin. I move to sit down next to him, leaning my head on his shoulder and breathing in his scent.

"You know...I was in love with you before the mating bond showed up." I turn to him, slightly confused.

    "You were everything I'd ever wanted. Smart, fast, funny, strong, beautiful...and us being mates was just the cherry on top." I feel tears begin to fill my eyes and quickly try to blink them away, not wanting him to stop.

    "But, while I am thankful for us being mates, it doesn't make this any less nerve-wracking."

He pulls a box out of his pocket and slides to one knee as he opens it, revealing a sparkling diamond.

I look into his beautiful dark eyes to confirm that this is what I think it is.

    "Jaxlynn Hayze Whitethorn, I promise to love you forever and always...will you marry me?" The tears are now running freely down my face.

"Oh Fen...of course I'll marry you!" I tackle him onto the grass as I hear hoots and hollers from behind me, congratulating us.

I kiss him deeply and he slides the ring onto my finger, a perfect fit. I look into his eyes and smile as I picture what's to come.


The next few months pass by in a flash, and before I know it...Manon and Aelin are helping me zip up my wedding dress.

I chuckle as I remember the process it was to pick the dress.


We had just decided on bridesmaid dresses, and I was a nervous wreck.

The shop assistant, while very kind and bubbly, was not the best at her job.

The first dress she brought for me to try on had an incredibly wide skirt, and the neckline went all the way up to my throat.

I walked out of the dressing room, and everyone's jaws dropped at the monstrosity.

"You look more like a ballerina than a bride!" Rowan exclaimed, wrinkling his nose in distaste.

I laugh, nodding as I walk back into the dressing room. The next dress was so long I had to kick it out in front of me as I walked.

"Oh, please! You'll trip and fall on your face before you can even make it to the altar!" Aelin said, grinning.

The next dress had so many ruffles and beads it looked like it went through a shredder.

"Did you do blind again? Absolutely not!" Manon exclaimed, while Rowan faked a gag.

There were many other dresses that were immediately shot down, and then I tried on what felt like the 50th dress.

When I walked out, everyone went silent. Their jaws were practically on the floor as Aelin walked over and turned me to face the mirror.

I gasped at the beautiful female staring back at me.

-End Flashback-

I smile as I look into the full-length mirror. It really is perfect. It's strapless, but the back is made of a see-through material that shows well below my waist.

It has a tight bodice until the waist, where it poofs out slightly until the bottom, which is just above my knees. It's a silk material on the inside, but the outside is a beautiful lacy design.

There's a slim silver belt that goes just above where the skirt poofs out, and it really brings the whole outfit together.

As Rowan steps into the tent, I smile at him and pull my brother into a hug. I never imagined he'd want to get to know me, but we've grown very close over the years. That's why he will be the one to walk me down the aisle.

"Well, don't you clean up nice?" I say, looking him up and down. It's the truth.

In his black suit and tie, this has to be the most formal I've seen him. He smiles at me, but I can see the tears shining in his eyes. I immediately begin to tear up, then start waving my face.

"Now don't you dare start crying, I don't have time to redo my makeup." He chuckles and takes a deep breath.

"Jax...I just want to tell you that I'm so grateful we found you that night. If we hadn't...I never would've met my sister.

I was never very close with my family members, but you more than make up for it. And I am honored to be the one who walks you down the aisle." I sniffle and fight back the tears.

"Oh, Rowan..." I say, throwing my arms around his neck. "I love you, big bro." I whisper. He chuckles, sniffling softly.

"Yeah...I love you too, little sis." I straighten, making sure no tears are going to escape before adjusting my dress one last time.

I hear the music start, and wink at my bridesmaids as they walk down the aisle. Evangeline is my flower girl, so she walks down first.

Then Elide and Lorchan, Lysandra and Aedion, and finally, Manon and Dorian. I grip Rowan's arm tighty as we walk out of the tent and onto the aisle.

Rowan convinced me to meet some of my family before the wedding, and I'm happy to say that all of those whom I invited chose to attend.

I look up at Fen, and see his eyes already on me. He slowly rakes his eyes up and down my body, lifting his brow slightly. I send him an innocent smile and continue to walk down the aisle next to Rowan.

Never letting him lead me, never again letting anyone lead me. The thought made me straighten my shoulders, as I walked head-first into the rest of my life.


It's both a happy and sad note today, my lovelies.

Happy, because I have decided to write an epilogue, so you get a little bit of insight into Jax and Fen's future.

Sad, because after that, this book will be completed :(

Thank you to all of my readers, and until next time, luvs <3

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