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"[Y/N], I hope that you know the reason why I called you in here." The teacher -- Mr. Ten --- leans back in his chair, crossing his arms. You bite your lip, as if knowing whats about to come next. He picks up your report card, before waving it infront of you nonchalantly.

You put your hands behind your back, shutting your eyes painfully. I didn't ask to be bad at math, you thought. Bowing gently, you whisper a word of 'sorry' to the teacher. "I'm not asking you to apologise. But if you want to get into the college that you want, you better start from here. It's the top college that we're talking about. Pull up your socks and start studying." Mr. Ten sighs, before handing you your report card.

You bow at him, before walking towards the door of the teacher's office. Before you could open it, someone opens the door first;

Standing infront of you is a boy who's probably in the same grade as you, his face is adorned by multiple bandages and his hair is put up into a low side pony tail. You tilt your head in confusion, wondering why his face is literally filled with plasters.

He stares down at you, blinking. "Could you move please? The teacher asked for me." The boy politely says, before pointing over at Mr Ten. You reply with an 'O'. Stepping aside, you make your way back to the classroom.

Lessons go on as per usual.

"Say, Ayaka, who is he? I don't think I've ever seen him around before." You pipe out. Ayaka turns to look in the direction you're looking at, before glancing at you. "Why? Did you fall in love with him of something?" She teases, and you immediately shake her off.

"Not funny."

"Fine. He's Kazuha -- he just has a really small presence, so no one tends to notice him. They trip over him, they accidentally hit him; honestly, even the things you can't think of happened to him. Which explains all the bandages."

"Damn.. pack it up Kuroko." You mutter underneath your breath, inwhich Ayaka tilts her head in return. "Why are you interested in him? You should be more interested in your studies. Do you want to end up not graduating? Do you?" Ayaka crosses her arms and lectures you, in return, you sigh largely, eyes still on the boy.

"I'm trying okay! It's not that I'm not studying or putting in effort. I'm just naturally bad at math and I can't help it. Like -- look at this," You push the workbook over to your side of the table, before you point at the problem that says.

'If x-2y=w and xy=25, using the special products, without finding for x and y, express x^2+4y^2/6 in terms of w'

Slamming your head against the table, you let yourself groan in pain, before snapping your head towards your bestfriend. "This is literally hell for me. I get it, you're smart and all. But I can't even solve this question. I might as well drop out at this point."

"You can't say that," Ayaka smiles at you, and you deadpan in return. She chuckles at that. "So first, you got to square the x-2y=w, and then it will become this, right?"

To be honest, she lost you at this point.

"Ayaka, I don't know if you know, but nothing you're saying is going into my brain right now. I don't speak math. Can you explain in a simpler way?" You cry -- not literally, but you really want to. Ayaka simply chuckles at your form, while your eyes are focused on the white haired boy at the side.

Mr Ten trudges into class with his laptop and notes clipped inbetween his arm and armpit, and his pencil case in the other. Sighing, you let yourself lie on the table, dazing out of the window and extremely not ready for math lesson.

"So, you've gotten back your tests right kids?" Mr Ten begins, in which surprisingly, most of the class were pretty interactive and started answering him. "Everybody in the class passed! Except for one person." He smiles, before turning to look at you.

You don't get math teachers. They always find some weird way to pick on you and put you in a difficult spot -- And you can't tell whether it's because this bitchy math teacher doesn't like you, or it's just him being honest.

"With that said, I would like to see [Y/N]. The rest of you, you may continue self study." Mr Ten concludes, before letting himself sit on the plastic chair. You groan in return, in which Ayaka pats your back and urges you to head to the front to meet your teacher.

"[Y/N], as a teacher, I want nothing but the best for you. So, to bring up your math grades, I've assigned one of your classmates to tutor you. Is that okay?" Mr Ten breathes out, his stern eyes falling on you. Gulping, you nod your head in response, dreading for what's going to happen next.

Mr Ten sits up properly, before gesturing for a student to come forward. You think nothing of it though, you don't bother to turn behind because either ways, you have no intentions of being friendly with this so-called tutor. It's going to be strictly studying only.

You need to get in that college no matter what.

A tall figure shadows the light beaming down at you from outside the glass window, shading your eyes with your hand, you could barely see the face of the figure. But when the light finally settles down, you allow your eyes to familiarise with the being infront of you.

For a moment, your breath hitched. The strands of his hair flew softly along with the small zephyrs, crystalline irises tainted with a light shade of a crimson red had pulled you into a warm abyss -- daisies and sunflowers dance along the outline of your heart while butterflies lets itself erupt from the bottom of your stomach the moment he lays his eyes on you.

Stiffening, you let your mouth fall ajar, words failing to fall out of your mouth. He looks at you with a cold expression that you can't really understand, before turning to the teacher. "Yes, Mr Ten?" He asks politely.

"Kazuha, I'd like you to tutor your classmate in math so that they get into the college they want." Mr. Ten hands him a copy of your report card, and almost immediately, you want to hide out of both of their sights, embarrassed by your marks.

"Okay." The boy says in one breath, with no judgemental tone at all. You turn to look at him in awe, actually glad that he's not a psychopath like the rest of your tutors were.

Boy, you thought wrong.

He gestures to you '100 for math exam by the end of this term'. Your eyes widen, before hunching ur back and groaning.

This is going to be a long few months....


authors note

kazuha wanters will be kazuha havers
(i wrote this in june and its embarrassing because i didnt even get kazuha)

anyways THOUGHT ON DA NEW BOOK ⁉️ i wanted to write the diluc one first but i guess here i am...... still need time on planning the diluc book but ill try to keep this fanfic as short as possible so i can finally start writing angst in the next book

spoiler: kaeya is also the crush/bf in the diluc book... GUYS DONT GET ME WRONG I LOVE KAEYA I DONT HATE HIM but hes just so villain material.

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