1| The first study session

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"Out of every place, why the library?" You groan the moment you see the area, but Kazuha doesn't even spare you a glance. "Look, there are better places to study. Like-- Like the canteen!"

"Too dirty and noisy." He says in one breath, and in all honesty you want to smash his head into a wall and leave him there as a public exhibition. "You're dirty and noisy. Get the hell out of here." You murmur underneath your breath, following behind him reluctantly. You're aware that he can hear whatever you can say, but you think that's a good thing. He should know that he's annoying.

After walking quite awhile, Kazuha finally places his books on an empty table, before sitting down with a sigh.

You sit down beside him, before scanning the area.

There was a fair amount of students there, all prepping for exam season. Some of them had their heads buried in books, and some of them were just there for the sake of being there.

Eyes widening when you see a cute girl walk pass, you stand up from your seat -- only to get pulled down by the guy beside you. "Don't forget what we're here for." He says monotonously, eyes not even lifting up from his notes.

"We'll reschedule another day. That person is my soulmate-"

You're cut off by a smack to the back of your head, and you immediately snap your head towards the white-haired boy with your eyebrows furrowed, but he doesn't look up from his notes at all.

"What the heck!" You yell, earning stares from the other students in the library. Honestly you could really care less about whos watching you right now. The only thing that matters now is the fact that you barely know him and he has the audacity to lay his hands on you.

Hearing your yell, Kazuha finally looks up at you in confusion, his mouth knit into a thin frown. "Why are you yelling?" He mouths out, adding even more fuel to your anger right now. Not only did he smack you, he also pretended that he didn't know whats going on.

Just then, you could hear whispers all around you and glares burning into your back, so you finally (and very reluctantly) sit back down in your seat, gritting your teeth.

"What the heck was that for. I already said we could reschedule to another day." You whisper, keeping your tone sharp so he knows that you're angry. Kazuha however, does not even spare you a glance. Instead, he pushes a worksheet over for you to do.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe you should ask the blondie behind you." He blurts out, before scribbling a few notes down on his own worksheet. After hearing his response, you immediately turn around, only to see Thoma standing there with a hand on his mouth. preventing him from bursting out laughing.

You furrow your eyebrows and look at him with an annoyed expression, but that only made Thoma want to laugh even more. Finally, he takes his hand off his mouth before patting your head. "I'm sorry, I thought it was funny. What are you doing here? You don't usually come to the library." He smiles warmly at you, before looking between you and Kazuha.

"Tutoring session." You reply to him in one breath, as if urging him to leave you alone before the boy besides you start complaining again. You see Thoma's eyes widen before he slaps his hand onto his mouth again. "You're studying?? Like actually studying??" He exclaims, attracting attention from the other students again. You flip him off, before gesturing for him to leave you alone, but he doesn't move from his position.

"Is the sun going to set in the east today? What-"


You hear Kazuha clear his throat from beside you, and you could tell that he's clearly getting impatient. Upon hearing that, you slap Thoma's back, pushing him slightly forward so he can get the hint. He (finally) nods his head, placing a small sweet on your table before walking off. On the sweet, it writes 'I'll wait for you at the lockers.'

a second away • kaedehara kazuha ((HIATUS))Where stories live. Discover now