2| The second study session

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"Oh? YOU did this?" Thoma snatches the worksheets from your hands, looking between you and the paper repeatedly. You laugh proudly, slamming a hand onto the table before leaning forward. "Well of course, I'm turning over a new lead after all." You wipe the bottom of your nose with your index finger, earning a doubtful look from Ayaka.

"That's amazing! You're doing a good job [Y/N]!" You hear a familiar voice sound out from behind you, and you turn around to see Yoimiya behind you. Yoimiya gives you a thumbs up before backhugging her girlfriend tightly, not paying attention to anything else but Ayaka.

Thoma puts the paper down infront of you, before hanging his head down in defeat. "It's embarrassing to think that you're doing better than me at math. I've got to step up my game."

Laughing, you take the papers from him, before placing it under your table. Just as you look up, you coincidentally make eye contact with Kazuha, who's sitting diagonally opposite you.

He has a blank expression on his face, but you could totally tell that he was obviously judging your behaviour earlier. For some reason, you really wanted to dig a hole and crawl into it right now. What were you embarrassed of? You don't really know. Maybe it was because of Kazuha's judging stare.

However, you clear your throat, shooting an awfully sweet smile towards the white-haired boy, before mouthing 'Hello' while waving your hand. Kazuha raises his browns and acts indifferently, turning back infront with his expression unchanging.

Your smile drops the moment he does so, rolling your eyes before doing the same.

It doesn't take too long until the bell rings, signifying the end of class.

You slowly pack your stationery -- and from the corner of your eye, you can see Kazuha walking over with his hands in his pocket. You ignore him though, and continue packing slowly.

When he stops infront of your desk, you don't nother to look up before asking. "Where are we going today?"

Kazuha doesn't reply, instead pulls out his phone and starts scrolling through social media, completely ignoring your question.

You finally look up at him, and actually, you don't even need to look up at him since he's slightly shorter than you.

"Mr. Kaedehara, where are we going to study today?" You ask in a more polite tone, but Kazuha does nothing but shoot you a glance, before looking back at his phone nonchalantly.

You click your tongue in annoyance, before stuffing the two worksheets that Kazuha gave you yesterday into your bag without a care in the world. Upon seeing this, the white-haired boy's eyes widen, looking at you, then back at the worksheets that were stuffed into your bag.

He finally puts his phone back into his pocket before crossing his arms. "We won't be going to the library again today. I was just checking the vacancy of the seats with my friend, you don't have to get all worked up over me not replying you."

After hearing his response, you laugh awkwardly, taking the worksheets out of your bag before straightening it with your hands (as if it'll actually straighten the paper) before placing it back into your bag in a neat folder.

"Then.. where do we go?" You ask, and Kazuha doesn't reply once again. Instead, he gestures for you to follow him.

And somehow, the both of you end up infront of a macdonalds.

"Are you serious?" The comment slips out of your mouth involuntarily, and you immediately cover your mouth when you realised what you just said -- but Kazuha had already heard what you said, and shot you a look.

a second away • kaedehara kazuha ((HIATUS))Where stories live. Discover now