8| study... session...?

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[UNEDITED] i think stuff gets real here idk

Just as you leaned over to look at the caller ID, Kazuha snaps awake, sitting up in a state of panic. He immediately answers the phone without checking who it is.

After a briefly normal conversation, he finally hangs up and places his phone back down with a sigh. He then shoots a glance at you whose eyes are wide open with curiousity.

"Your girlfriend?" You tease him.

Kazuha gives you a deadpan expression. "My sister. My sister called."

You clear your throat awkwardly, immediately straightening your back. "... My bad. Anyways, Are you feeling better now?"

Seeing that Kazuha had let his eyes flutter shut again, you lean forward and let the back of your hand rest against his forehead to check his temperature --- which luckily, is less warmer than before.

When you finally retract your hand, you notice that Kazuha's eyes were wide open, his cheeks almost the same shade as his crimson eyes. You furrow your eyebrows. "Are you.. But your temperature is fine though.."

"I, uh, just blush alot when I'm sick. Um, what were you doing just now?" Kazuha clears his throat, and chokes on his saliva half way, coughing obnoxiously loud in this dead silent room. It took awhile before he stopped coughing.

"I was studying." You reply, pointing towards the small notebook on the couch. He peers over your shoulder to look at it, before giving you a small nod of acknowledgement.

It was silent for a moment before Kazuha started. "... So, do you want to.. you know, have a study session..."



Before you can explain anything, the door slams open loudly -- A little too aggressive for a school nurse. What walked in the nurse's room wasn't the school nurse, but Thoma.

Seeing the familiar figure, you snort in disbelief. "You? What are you doing here?"

Thoma does not say a word -- Clearly in immense amounts of pain --- points to the gaping wound on his knees and elbows. Judging from this, he probably fell during his basketball training.

Eyes widening in surprise, you immediately walk over to him and urged him to sit on the couch, which he obliges obediently. You rush over to find a first aid, before walking back infront of Thoma and settling it down on the floor beside you. You kneel down and furrow your eyebrow slightly upon seeing the wound upclose. It was pretty bad.

Thoma hisses lowly the moment you applied the antiseptic disinfectant onto his wound, throwing his already sweaty head back against the wall. You look at him, then back at the wound, gulping. Hestiating for a second, you finally start dabbing the cotton ball around the wound as gently as you could.

Despite being gentle, you still pushed out some pained groans from Thoma.

After you were done wrapping up the wound on his knee, you sit beside him on the couch, taking his arm into your hand. Thoma shuts his eyes momentarily. "Hold on, time out." He pants.

You blink, placing arm back down gently before turning to glance at Kazuha, who's bed is facing the both of you. He watches you with a strange and unreadable expression, but you think nothing of it and shoot a smile at him. Upon seeing your smile, he looks away.

Weirdo, You think before you turn to look at Thoma again. "Your Highness, Can this lowly one please tend to your wound now?" You said sarcastically as you pick his arm back up.

Thoma gives you a reassuring nod before you start dabbing the disinfectant on his wound again. This time, he only hisses once or twice before calming down entirely. You take this chance to bandage both wounds.

a second away • kaedehara kazuha ((HIATUS))Where stories live. Discover now